Choking can be caused by different factors. It is the blockage of the flow of air to the lungs. People can choke while eating, if the food blocks their windpipe or airway.
Choking can occur to anyone if a foreign body also blocks their windpipe or airway. If you ever see someone choking, there are some things you can do to help, before trained medical personnel arrive. These are the first aid treatments for choking; it is called the ‘’ "five-and-five" approach .
*First be aware that a choking person might not be able to utter a word so, you have to watch out for signs like hands clutched around the neck. *Once you are sure the person is choking, give him/ her 5 back blows. The First five back blows should be done between the person's shoulder blades using the heel of your hand.
*Next give him/her 5 abdominal thrusts. This is done by wrapping your arms around the choking person and slightly his/her navel. With the other hand, grasp the fist and with a quick, upward thrust ,Press hard into the abdomen— as if you are trying to lift him/her up.
Then do five abdominal thrusts. This abdominal thrust is known as the Heimlich maneuver. *You should alternate between the 5 blows and the 5 thrusts until the object causing the blockage has been dislodged.
For more information on how to help a choking person (child, pregnant woman or an unconscious person) you can read up on this link;
To understand choking, you first have to understand what goes on at the back of your throat hundreds of times per day. All the food you eat and the air you breathe passes through your throat to get into your body. Food and liquid go down one pipe — the esophagus (say: eh-sah-fuh-gus) — to your stomach.
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