There is one sure way to complicate the effort to defeat the incompetent sitting President. Run a third party candidate. And that is exactly what a group led by former New Jersey Governor and "Rockefeller Republican" Christie Todd Whitman hopes to accomplish. Politico reported last week that Whitman is "encouraging" Republican candidate Jon Huntsman to run as an independent. A Huntsman spokesman said in response "Huntsman is a lifelong Republican and he's going to run for president as a Republican." On the other hand, Huntsman, like Donald Trump and Ron Paul before him, has "refused to rule out running as an independent candidate."
According to Politico, Americans Elect is now on the ballot in 11 states, and Whitman views the pending approval of California as a "tipping point" to convince the public the group is for real. Whitman feels the electorate needs a more "centrist" choice, but also acknowledges that promoting a third party candidate is "awkward" A third party candidate, whether Trump or Paul, Huntsman or Roemer, can only heighten the risk of facing a second Obama term. The country as founded is in great peril under the continued Presidency of Barack Obama, and it behooves any Republican, whether in-name-only or conservative, to put defeating the sitting President ahead of his or her own personal agenda.
Ron Paul's foreign policy is actually very simple. The physical safety of individual Americans from foreign aggressors should come first. Paul extends to other nations the same basic principles that are applied to individuals -- all foreign nations should be treated equally, unless they cause harm or injury to the United States or her citizens.
A strong defensive function should be maintained to disincentivize other nations from hurting or killing Americans. Ron Paul has insisted that war should be waged only when conditions meet all six criteria of the Just War Theory. o_O.
Ron Paul is the most conservative candidate running.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.