Lol - thanks for the shoutout and very nice compliment :) You're having the same problem that I had. You want a tripod that is sturdy enough to hold your expensive camera but light and compact enough to travel with. Sadly, it doesn't exist.
I've searched everywhere. Since you have a ~$500 budget, I think that you should buy 2. 1) Manfrotto 785SHB
This tripod breaks down and will fit easily in or on your bag. It's also relitivley sturdy and the pistol grip is nice. It's super light weight and works exceptionally well as a regular tripod or even as monopod in a pinch.
You'll hear words like "mini", "small", "lightweight" etc with this tripod... but none of that is bad. The only downside is that you MUST keep an eye on your camera. This is a travel tripod... not a studio tripod.
Personally, I leave my hand on my camera at all times except for when I'm using a remote shutter release for a long exposure or something. It's not that your camera will fall over, but a solid wind can push it down. 2) Manfrotto 055XPROB
It will still break down, but only to be carried from location to location in the (included) sling bag. The B&H link points you to a kit that includes both the tripod and the head. I have a preference for trigger grips because they're fluid when you want them to be and solid when you don't.
However, if you were shooting video or panoramics or whatever, you'll likely want a different head and Manfrotto makes them quick and easy to swap out. Heads are also available for rent in most cities so if you're doing something crazy like a wedding and need a video head AND a static portrait head, you'll be all set for $20 rather then $150. I hope that this 1-2 punch of tripods solves your problem as it did mine! 2. 3. Good Luck!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.