I was in the middle of trolling through Askvile, when, suddenly, all of the letters in all of the questions became giant-sized and "funny-looking", I get a pop-error message about something called "Ajax" and was promptly disconnected! What the kapok happened? Asked by Predator 56 months ago Similar Questions: heck happened Askville Recent Questions About: heck happened Askville Amazon > Askville.
Similar Questions: heck happened Askville Recent Questions About: heck happened Askville.
I don't know, but it used to happen to me a lot. This week, it hasn't happened more than once. I have a totally unscientific explanation for it.
I think that when your fingers go whizzing around the keyboard, if you accidentally hit the "Backspace" button on the computer, it disconnects you and causes something bad to happen which leads to you being disconnected. I'm not sure if that is a complete explanation, but I think that it explains at least some of my problems. Try it out and see if it does that to you.
In Askville, every day is full of surprises. I've taken the liberty of adding a pic of a keyboard to save you from having to look down.
Don't want anyone reading this to develop bad typing habits, do we? Sources: cited above and personal opinion Snow_Leopard's Recommendations I Love Ajax Sweatshirt .
Some of these questions are so strange. " "What the heck is going on with Askville? " "What the Heck?
Askville not showing question details? " "I've been gone for several weeks. Has anything happened on Askville while I was gone?
" (10 answers) "What the heck is going on? Did they put the Great Topic Elf in charge of everything,askville is very=" "WHAT HAPPENED TO ASKVILLE? WHY IS SITE DIFFERENT LOOKING?
WHEN? " "What's happened to 'My Askville? ' It doesn't appear on my screen when I log in.
I've been gone for several weeks. Has anything happened on Askville while I was gone? " (10 answers).
Did they put the Great Topic Elf in charge of everything,askville is very.
It doesn't appear on my screen when I log in.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.