What time do I get the item if the shipping speed is one-day? The morning? The afternoon? The evening?

I've just ordered it with a 1 day shipping, but I'll get it on June the 12th according to Amazon! Asked by Ali_2m 18 months ago Similar questions: time item shipping speed one day morning afternoon evening Amazon > Amazon.com.

Similar questions: time item shipping speed one day morning afternoon evening.

1 Depends on what time FedEx, UPS, or USPS delivers in your neighborhood. Could be morning, could be afternoon. If you need something by, say, 10:30 AM, you can pay more ( a lot more) and get it by that time.

All one day shipping guarantees is that you will get the item the next day - not what time you will get it.

Depends on what time FedEx, UPS, or USPS delivers in your neighborhood. Could be morning, could be afternoon. If you need something by, say, 10:30 AM, you can pay more ( a lot more) and get it by that time.

All one day shipping guarantees is that you will get the item the next day - not what time you will get it.

2 Uh, guess you learned a dirty little secret. Most stuff, snail mail, next day, two day, what ever all goes on the same truck/airplane. You can pay more, but it doesn't seem to really matter unless it's something that will fit into a courier envelop.Sorry..

Uh, guess you learned a dirty little secret. Most stuff, snail mail, next day, two day, what ever all goes on the same truck/airplane. You can pay more, but it doesn't seem to really matter unless it's something that will fit into a courier envelop.Sorry.

3 Sometimes Amazon lies and you'll get it sooner than they say. Even if they get it to you on Saturday, they're paying the higher rate for the more expensive Saturday delivery. It does take Amazon a little while to find the item in one of their warehouses and throw it in a box and ship it out.

If it's an Amazon partner, sometimes they're slower in sending things out. I hate to say it, but most of the time, I use NewEgg for computer stuff and J&R for audio stuff. Even with 3-day delivery, I get 90% of the stuff the next day!

Amazing service! .

Sometimes Amazon lies and you'll get it sooner than they say. Even if they get it to you on Saturday, they're paying the higher rate for the more expensive Saturday delivery. It does take Amazon a little while to find the item in one of their warehouses and throw it in a box and ship it out.

If it's an Amazon partner, sometimes they're slower in sending things out. I hate to say it, but most of the time, I use NewEgg for computer stuff and J&R for audio stuff. Even with 3-day delivery, I get 90% of the stuff the next day!

Amazing service!

" "If an item ships with the two day shipping option but the item lists that it ships in 2-4 weeks, when will I get it?" "Are you ordering from Amazon. Com tonight or tommrow morning and using the 1 day shipping for last minute gifts? " "Which do you prefer?

Making love in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Or all of the above?

What book has good morning good morning its time to start the day.

Value each precious moment...morning brings hope, afternoon brings faith, evening brings love n' night brings rest.

Are you ordering from Amazon. Com tonight or tommrow morning and using the 1 day shipping for last minute gifts?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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