I have a few tips to share with you in regards to choosing the right hair color. My first suggestion is to leave it to the professionals. When it comes to dying the hair or other chemical processes, it is best to leave it to your beautician.
There is just too much that can go wrong. Coloring your hair from home you run the risk of the color not turning out as you planned. You also run the risk of the hair falling out or breaking off.
The beautician has been trained to show you what color look best with your skin tone and structure. Assuming you still want to color your hair yourself, I will share some more tips in regards to choosing the best hair color. You can hold different color of hair up to your head.
Go to a beauty supply store and grab the hair pcs or wigs. Try holding different colors up to your face. This should give you a much better idea on what will look best.
I do agree with those who tell you to consult a beautician especially if its your first time. However, if you do want to do it yourself, I highly recommend using one of the mouse style hair colors that are out now, yes these can be more expensive, but they will cut down on the mess of spills and getting it on your clothes or skin. They will also give you some of the best coverage.
Also read the instructions carefully. As for what color to choose, that will depend on what you have in mind. Do you want to go with something that is exactly or close to your actual hair color or something that is a totally dramatic change.
Keep in mind though something that I have found out along the way, the more gray your hair becomes the harder it becomes for lighter tones of hair color such as blond or light brown to maintain on the hair, so it might be best to go with a darker shade, or once again see a beautician they would know how to tackle this issue.
I've colored my hair before. I would normally do blond or black the to basic color's. But I really wanted to try red!
I was just not sure how it would look on me. I new it looked great on everyone else and hoped it would do the same for me. I did it and have been loving my hair ever since!
So the best advice I can give you is don't leave any colors out. Because you may think a color won't look good on you, and maybe it's the one the will look the best! That's what happened to me and personally if you decide to go with blond You should not bleach it and if you do decide to beach it make sure you do not leave it on very long Because if you do leave it on to long it will look a bit yellow or some times white.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.