At the Nioxin official site they state you will have thicker denser hair in just 30 days when using the systems. They further mention that most customers see results in just 2 weeks. My husband uses and swears by Nioxin System 1.
I will be completely honest. He seen results in just ten days,. Read the bottles and packaging and use Nioxin according to the directions.
You can now even go to the Nioxin official site and watch product demonstrations, which is nice. All I can suggest is for you to atleast try Nioxin. My husband will not use anything else on his hair and trust me he tried it all.
Everyone is different I suppose. What may work great for one person may not for another. But my husband started using it just from listening to a couple employees at his job.
You have nothing to lose by atleast trying Nioxin!
According to the Nioxin official site, 9 out of 10 people who use a Nioxin System notice some type of improvement in their hair depending on which system they use. Whether it be denser hair, more moisture or thicker hair. My husband uses a Nioxin system and on a more personal level he noticed a difference in his hair within about 7 days.
S hair feels a bit thicker and appears healthier. Will you all of a sudden have full thick hair that is bushy? No, but you should notice some improvement.Be sure to follow directions for the system carefully.
Results are based on those who use the product and the three steps properly.
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