Bit of info about Fall River textiles This answer is incomplete but being a local in the area I can offer some info. Fall River in the last three or so decades of the 1800's was New England's largest textile industrial center beyond one area of New Hampshire (the name of which escapes me at the moment). Fall River, during this era earned the local nickname "the Spindle City" because of it's textile manufacturing mills which numbered roughly a dozen at that time if my memory serves.
The primary material manufactured in Fall River was cotton and cotton based fabrics. Nearby in RI, in the same era, a similar metamorphosis of textile industry and an associated population boom occurred. Today, many of the mills stand vacant, have become home to completely unrelated industry or stand abandoned (and are often the fuel for fire).
However, these mills did contribute a great deal to the ethnic diversity in our area as they were magnets for immigrant families seeking a better life after the potato famine that ravaged much of Europe (not just Ireland). Today, this area and much of the area south of it in RI are still magnets for immigrants due to the diversity found here and tolerance for uniquely ethnic neighborhoods. There are some great sites online about this topic as someone mentioned them to me not that long ago (I am a decendant of a Fall River Textile King) so give old google a try and see what happens.
Bit of info about Fall River textiles This answer is incomplete but being a local in the area I can offer some info. Fall River in the last three or so decades of the 1800's was New England's largest textile industrial center beyond one area of New Hampshire (the name of which escapes me at the moment). Fall River, during this era earned the local nickname "the Spindle City" because of it's textile manufacturing mills which numbered roughly a dozen at that time if my memory serves.
The primary material manufactured in Fall River was cotton and cotton based fabrics. Nearby in RI, in the same era, a similar metamorphosis of textile industry and an associated population boom occurred. Today, many of the mills stand vacant, have become home to completely unrelated industry or stand abandoned (and are often the fuel for fire).
However, these mills did contribute a great deal to the ethnic diversity in our area as they were magnets for immigrant families seeking a better life after the potato famine that ravaged much of Europe (not just Ireland). Today, this area and much of the area south of it in RI are still magnets for immigrants due to the diversity found here and tolerance for uniquely ethnic neighborhoods. There are some great sites online about this topic as someone mentioned them to me not that long ago (I am a decendant of a Fall River Textile King) so give old google a try and see what happens.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.