What vhs tape do I need to use to put an 8mm hi-8 sony video camera tape in to watch on vhs its a 120 minute hi-8 sony video camera tape. I just want a vhs cartridge that the tape fits into Asked by newuser9461082 44 months ago Similar questions: vhs tape put 8mm hi 8 sony video camera watch Entertainment.
Similar questions: vhs tape put 8mm hi 8 sony video camera watch.
"Unlike VHS-C & SVHS-C (compact) tapes (and their respective adapters),there are NO adapters to play 8 tapes in a VHS video cassette player.8 & VHS tapes are:- different widths 8mm versus 1/2" (12.7mm)- different recording formats, especially the audio tracks- different recording densities(8 is more similar to SVHS-C, VHS is more similar to Video8)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your options are:- connect a 8 camcorder or 8 video cassette player to your television- have your 8 video cassette tape copied to a VHS video cassette tapehttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=8----------------------------------------------------------References:
You can't different types of tapes. The only thing that you can do is connect your -8 camera to a vcr and record through the vcr to a tape. The size of the cartridges are different and the way it is recorded are different as well, so this is the only way to convert the tape to a vhs format.
How 8mm/8 and miniDV Is Different From VHS 1. 8mm, miniDV are different formats with different technical characteristics than VHS. These formats were never developed with the intention to be mechanically compatible with past or current VHS technology.2.8mm and 8 tapes are 8mm wide (about 1/4 inch), and miniDV tape is 6mm wide, while VHS tape is 1/2-inches wide, making it impossible for a VHS video head to read the taped information correctly, since a VHS VCR requires a 1/2-inch wide tape to play back.3.
Along with the video and audio signals that are recorded is a control track. The control track tells the VCR what speed the tape is recorded in and helps the VCR keep the tape lined up with rotating head drum on the VCR properly. Since the control track information is different on an 8mm/8/miniDV tape than on a VHS tape, a VHS VCR cannot recognize the 8mm.8/miniDV control track information and, thus, would not be able to keep the tape lined up properly with VHS tape heads, nor recognize the speed at which the recording was made.
In other words, 8mm/8/miniDV tapes are recorded and played at different speeds than VHS, so even if the tapes could physically fit into a standard VHS VCR, the VCR still couldn't play back the tapes at their correct speeds, since these speeds to do not match already established VHS tape recording and playback speeds.4. 8mm and 8 audio is recorded differently than VHS.8mm/8 audio is recorded in AFM while the audio on a miniDV tape is recorded at either a 12-bit or 16-bit digital format. This audio recording is done via the same heads as do the video recording.
The audio in the VHS format is recorded and played back by either the tape moving across a stationary head, away from the video heads, or, in the case of by a process called Depth Multiplexing, in which separate heads on the rotating VCR head drum record the audio under the video recording layer, instead of on the same layer as the video signal, as 8mm and HI8 do. Because of the way VHS VCRs have to record and read audio, they are not equipped to read the AFM audio recorded on an 8mm or nor the digital audio recorded on a miniDV tape.5.8mm/8/miniDV video is of higher resolution than VHS and is recorded in a wider bandwidth, that is different from VHS, so once again, a standard VHS VCR still could not read the video information correctly, even if the tape could fit into a VCR. Sources: http://hometheater.about.com/cs/vcrs/a/aa8mmtovhsa.htm .
1 There is no 8mm You can not play a 8mm You need a special 8 player or Another option is to convert you 8mm StashSpace. Com is an online video transfer service that can convert 8mm 8 tapes to digital for $6.95/tape. Learn more on their website:stashspace.com/video-transfer/hi8-to-dvd... .
There is no 8mm You can not play a 8mm You need a special 8 player or Another option is to convert you 8mm StashSpace. Com is an online video transfer service that can convert 8mm 8 tapes to digital for $6.95/tape. Learn more on their website:stashspace.com/video-transfer/hi8-to-dvd....
" "Is it possible to repair an old VHS tape when one end of the video tape has come disconnected from the spool?" "What brand of VHS adapter will play Sony NTSC 8 camcorder film cassettes. The VHS C from Best Buy and it did not work" "Does anyone still sell the vcr tape to play 8mm video cammera tapes? " "have a vhs video tape that has detached from spool at beginning can it be saved and how do I go abt having fixed" "How can I put my Super 8mm movie camera film onto a DVD?" "How do I copy my VHS tape to my HDD Camcorder(Sony HDR-SR11)" "old Sony 8mm video camera.
Eject stuck, won't close. Need to transfer 8mm to DVD, but can't play from camera." "How can I play this VHS tape?
What brand of VHS adapter will play Sony NTSC 8 camcorder film cassettes. The VHS C from Best Buy and it did not work.
Have a vhs video tape that has detached from spool at beginning can it be saved and how do I go abt having fixed.
How do I copy my VHS tape to my HDD Camcorder(Sony HDR-SR11).
Old Sony 8mm video camera. Eject stuck, won't close. Need to transfer 8mm to DVD, but can't play from camera.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.