What's better : Big or Small boobs?

1Confront your problem. Get a camera and take some pictures of your bitten fingernails. Examine your nails, and list their problems.

2 Visualize yourself with healthy nails, and how great they will look. 3 Pick at least one nail to "protect" at a time. After a few days, an non-bitten nail will flourish and reward you.

Do not bite it. If you must, bite one of the 'unprotected' ones. Sometimes it helps knowing that you have another nail to bite, even if you don't actually nibble at any unprotected ones.

Once you have grown your non-bitten nail for a while, start protecting another one. And another. And another, until every single nail is protected.

4 Eat calcium and magnesium - rich foods so that your nails will repair and grow well. Not only that, but most of the reason that the human body wants to bite nails is the lack of calcium and magnesium in the body and the body needs that material back. 5 Push your cuticles back.

Many nail-biters do not have "moons" on the base of their fingernails because their cuticles have not been pushed back. To do this, gently push your cuticles towards your finger to reveal more of your nail. This is easier to do after a shower when your hands and nails are wet.

This makes the nail appear longer, and it gives a more attractive shape, which might also be a motivation to stop biting. 6 Find a habit to take the place of nail biting. Whenever you have the urge to bite, do that instead.

Some people like to drum their fingers, or just stare at their hands. Just make sure it's not a bad habit; choose a helpful one or one that doesn't really matter either way. 'Bitrex' is a chemical that is put in products to make them taste foul, obtained from your local pharmacy.

It's included in nibble inhibitors that you paint on to your nails. Carry some with you at all times. Apply your nasty solution several times a day.

If you get used to the taste, choose another brand. 7 Distract your mouth. Eat carrot sticks to keep you busy.

Keep a stick of gum handy for those weak moments.

When I get acrylic nails they are really thick and it feels weird to bite them so I don't. They say if you do something for 3 weeks you form a habit, so get acrylic nails and keep them for 3 weeks and maybe you won't bite any more.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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