I absolutely love my Philips Sonicare FlexCare toothbrush. It's the best toothbrush I've ever used by far. It makes my mouth feel amazingly clean.
Plus, it comes with a UV sanitizer that stores the brush heads to keep bacteria at bay. It's also rechargeable, has a 2 minute timer to let you know when to stop brushing, and it's compact enough that you can take it with you when traveling. It costs around $130 with the UV sanitizer, but it can also be purchased without it.
My favorite is Oral B Triumph 9900 ($115.98 + shipping from Amazon. Com). oralb.com/en-US/products/default.aspx#f=... amazon.com/Oral-B-Triumph-Toothbrush-Sma... This model is a bit better in term of features compared to the previous one.
Especially, the wireless remote display where you can see your brushing time. Further, there are different type of brushes that you can replace depending on what type of clean up you'd like to perform. Other features: - Floss Action brush head with MicroPulse bristles penetrates deep between teeth and gums, dramatically improving the health of your gums - If you should apply too much pressure, a red light will appear signaling you that too much pressure is being used - Guaranteed better checkups, or your money back.
Right now I'm using two different electric toothbrushes and a waterpic. My theory is that you should, if you can swing the cost, alternate between the two best product on the market: 1. The Oral-B with the remote timer
The Sonicare with the UV sanitizer.
B) The Oral B is round and has a rubber center making it great for the face and top of each tooth. When you use both of these and a waterpic you get very little plaque buildup. Frankly, I can't believe that folks are still using normal toothbrushes.
When I travel and forget to bring (or am too lazy to pack) my electric brush(es) I feel like I haven't even brushed! Also, a tongue scraper combined with Listerine is essential before and after brushing. ... .
And yes, I'm obsessive about this stuff. My Waterpic is below: http://www.amazon.com/Waterpik-Ultra-Dental-Water-Jet/dp/B000GLRREU
According to Consumer Reports, the Sonicare Elite 7500 is the best electronic toothbrush.
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