My vote for the best looking Toyota model ever made goes to Toyota Celica.
I'm partial to the trucks, like this 2003 Tundra. Good size, good color, nice background even. Although the Tundra doesn't seem to be a good bet to remain part of Toyota's plans for the next quarter century, as oil becomes increasingly scarce.
The cars I'm less a fan of, although the last few models of the Toyota Camry have been really nice.
By far, I think the 2010 Toyota Matrix is the best looking model out there. It's not a car that would normally fit my style, but for some reason, whenever I see it on the road, it catches my attention. I always kind of turn my head and think, "Whoa, what is that car?"
I finally caught on. It's the Toyota Matrix.
MSN Autos reviewed the model and called it "snappy styling" and described its appearance as a "sleek silhouette. " I really agree with the sleek comment. I feel like the lines on the car are so clean, and I love how the frame points down in the front.
I think they did a good job making an average-guy's car into something that looks like it could be on a race track. Here's a video review of the Matrix, that focuses on more than its appearance, for your viewing pleasure! Great question!
I loved the 1990 Toyota Supra. It was sleek, but it had pop up lights. LOL!
Those were so cool! I'm not a car nut or anything. All I can tell you is this car speaks to me!
It is pictured here in black. The one I rented back then was red. Woo wee!
My neighbor's daughter got one used in 94. I had a new 1994 Toyota Tercel then, but her used Supra way out-shined it! She knew it, too, snarky little thing.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.