What's the cheapest cell phone service I can get? I want to use the cell phone only for emergency purposes while driving?

I want to use the cell phone only for emergency purposes while driving I live in California. Asked by sammyboy 55 months ago Similar questions: cheapest cell phone service emergency purposes driving Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Similar questions: cheapest cell phone service emergency purposes driving.

Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Prepaid is the cheapest for emergency purposes only cell service Cingular GoPhoneAfter its 2004 acquisition of AT&T Wireless, Cingular not only became the largest wireless carrier in the United States, it also jumped into the prepaid market with AT&T's GoPhone plan. Pros: Some plans offer reduced-rate or unlimited nights and weekends, plus unlimited mobile-to-mobile calling with other Cingular subscribers; popular Motorola Razr V3 newly added to the lineup. Cons: Incoming text messages cost 10 cents each; access fees for some cash accounts.

Plans: Several options available, including a 10-cents-per-minute prepaid plan with access fees for days on which you use your phone (minutes expire on a sliding scale of days, depending on the size of the bucket), a 25-cents-per-minute plan with no access fees, and a monthly plan with rollover minutes, unlimited night and weekend minutes and unlimited calling to other Cingular phones for the pricier plans. Prices range from 10 to 25 cents per minute. Text and picture messaging: 10 cents to send and receive text messages; 25 cents to send picture messages.

Downloadable ring tones, graphics, and games? Yes (prices vary from $1.99 to $2.49). International calling?

Yes (variable rates plus airtime). Roaming charges: No. 411 calls: $1.50 plus airtime.

Phones: Prices range from $30 to $200; models include: Motorola Razr V3 Nokia 6030 Motorola Slvr L7 T-Mobile ToGoWhile it's the smallest of the major U.S. Wireless carriers, T-Mobile made an early and aggressive push into the prepaid playing field, especially by adding the flashy, headline-grabbing Sidekick II to its handset lineup; the sexy Motorola Razr V3 is a more recent addition. Pros: Free incoming text and picture messaging; handset lineup includes the camera- and keyboard-enabled Sidekick II and the stylish Motorola Razr V3. Cons: Smallest network footprint of the big U.S. Carriers.

Plan: Offers buckets of minutes that expire anywhere from 30 days to a year. Prices range from 10 cents to 33 cents per minute. Text and picture messaging: 10 cents to send SMS messages, free to receive; 25 cents for MMS messages, free to receive.

Downloadable ring tones, graphics, and games? Yes (prices start at $1.49). International calling?

Yes (variable rates plus airtime). Roaming charges: No. 411 calls: $1.49 plus airtime.

Phones: Prices range from $50 to $280; models include: T-Mobile Sidekick 3 Motorola Razr V3 Samsung t209 Samsung t319 Verizon Wireless InpulseA relatively late arrival to the U.S.Prepaid arena, Verizon offers a wide network footprint and a growing 3G network; unfortunately, prepaid customers can't take advantage of Verizon's 3G V Cast service, even with the growing number of V Cast-enabled phones in its prepaid lineup. Pros: Unlimited night calling and calling to another Verizon phone; camera phones, a keyboard-equipped phone (the LG VX9800), and the sleek Motorola Razr V3c included in phone selection. Cons: Roaming fees; daily access fees for 10 cents per minute InPulse plan; no V Cast service, even with V Cast-capable phones.

Plan: InPulse: 10 cents per minute, with a 99-cent daily access fee, whether or not you use the phone; minutes expire on a sliding scale of days, depending on the size of the bucket. EasyPay: monthly plans ($50 for 350 minutes, $70 for 700 minutes) with no access fees, unlimited nights and weekends and unlimited mobile-to-mobile calling. Text and picture messaging: 10 cents to send and receive SMS messages; 25 cents per minute to send and receive picture messages Downloadable ring tones, graphics, and games?

Yes (prices vary). International calling? Yes (variable rates plus airtime).

Roaming charges: 69 cents per minute for InPulse; 99 cents per minute for EasyPay. 411 calls: $1.49 plus airtime. Phones: Prices range from $60 to $350; models include: Verizon Wireless PN-215 LG VX3400 Motorola Razr V3m Sources: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-3504_7-6260217-4.html?tag=nav .

Virgin Mobile = $19.99 phone + $10 per month Virgin Mobile's pay-as-you go wireless plan with "no contracts" is the way to go. You can get the phones for as little as $19.99 - $39.99 at Best Buy or Circuit City! http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&id=pcat17071&type=page&st=virgin+mobile&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=15&sp=&qp=&list=n&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960Keep in mind however..when you read the fine print.. VirginMobile requires that you keep your phone "topped up" with a minimum of $30 every 3 months.

Sources: virginmobileusa.com/ .

Pay as you go plans... seem to be the cheapest and great for emergencies. I’ve had Virgin Mobile service for a few years now because I only use it for emergencies or if I need to call someone I’m meeting (I’m always running late! ).

Do they have Virgin Mobile by you? You can buy the phone (some are only $20), then you buy a top-up card which will give you minutes depending on how much you spend (I usually buy the $20 one) and you just need to "top-up" or buy a new card every 90 days. No contracts!

The minutes accumulate so if you don’t use your phone and someday you really need to use it, you’re sure to have plenty of time to talk! I barely get a lost call, but then again I use it sparingly. But remember with these pay-as-you-go plans, the minutes are pricey and you get charged for any incoming calls.

I only give my number out to very few people! Www.virginmobileusa. Com Give it a try!.

1 I've got a prepay through t-mobile and it's great. If you prepay $100.00 your minutes won't expire for a year, $50.. qualifies for 90 days, but there are special offers at different times. I got mine at Target, for $100.

, that included 1000 minutes and a Nokia phone with an additional 20 minutes. I use it only when necessary and if I approach my years end, I'll start using up my minutes in long distance.

I've got a prepay through t-mobile and it's great. If you prepay $100.00 your minutes won't expire for a year, $50.. qualifies for 90 days, but there are special offers at different times. I got mine at Target, for $100.

, that included 1000 minutes and a Nokia phone with an additional 20 minutes. I use it only when necessary and if I approach my years end, I'll start using up my minutes in long distance.

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I want a cell phone with a 1 year service agreement. Are there any deals for verizon cdma phones?

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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