What's the difference between a bachelor of arts and a bachelor of science degree?

Similar questions: difference bachelor arts science degree.

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Generally speaking-- --Bachelor of Science programs are more technical and focused, while Bachelor of Arts programs are more 'liberal arts' and less specialized. Notice this from the University of Phoenix on-line site: Associate of Arts in Accounting Associate of Arts in Business Associate of Arts in General Studies Bachelor of Science in Business - Accounting Bachelor of Science in Business - Administration Bachelor of Science in Business - Finance Bachelor of Science in Business - Management Bachelor of Science in Business - Marketing Bachelor of Science in Business - Public Administration Bachelor of Science in Business - Retail Management Bachelor of Science in Business/Organizational Innovation Bachelor of Science in Management Here, there is actually only an Associate of Arts in Business--Associate degrees are the first two years of a four-year program, and these are the broader, less-specialized years. Here is how they describe their own Assoc.

Of Arts in Bus. Degree (underlining is mine): Associate of Arts in Business Program Description The Associate of Arts degree in Business is designed to provide graduates with the skills and knowledge required to work effectively in a variety of business settings. The curriculum provides a solid foundation in areas of business management, information technology, economics, international business, and legal and ethical issues.

Graduates from the AA in Business program will be able to communicate effectively, as directed, for informal, formal, and quantitative tasks and will be conversant with the values and terminology of the field. They will be able to access information resources, evaluate them for credibility and relevance, and use the sources to present a wide range of alternatives. Having utilized academic processes such as feedback from faculty and self-reflection, graduates will be situated for lifelong learning.

This degree prepares students to transition into the Bachelor of Science in Business program. ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------------- Me again Most school's Bachelor of Arts vs. Bachelor of Sciences programs can be simplified as Humanities (literature, foreign language, history, etc. ) vs. Technology (chemistry, accounting, computer sciences, etc.).

It is really pretty simple BA = Bachelor of Arts = you study the concept of something BS = Bachelor in Science = you actually have hands on experience in the subject .

The type of degree you wish to receive... technical versus liberal arts. The type of degree is based on the subject you are studying. Cal Poly's website had the following explanation: BA/BS, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE DEGREES Background: in 1984, the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee was asked to prepare a policy statement which would differentiate between Bachelor of Science degrees and Bachelor of Arts degrees at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

The need for this arose when some departments at Cal Poly proposed to change their BA degrees to B.S. Degrees. The requests were refused by the Chancellor's Office in part because Cal Poly, SLO, had no campus policy which specified the differences between the two degrees.1. Both the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science degrees should have a reasonable balance of three components: A major providing depth of preparation in an academic or professional field.

General education providing basic university-level education in science and mathematics, in the social sciences, in the arts and humanities, and in human communication. Electives chosen to fit the student's preferences or needs.(It is recognized that the number of these electives may be fewer in some degrees because of accreditation requirements, but the inclusion of some electives is important. ) 2.

Bachelor of Arts Degree: is usually less specialized than a Bachelor of Science degree. Requires a minimum of 180 quarter units for the degree; 36 units are required in the major, of which at least 18 units are at the 300-400 level. Is normally awarded in such majors as the languages, literature, other humanities, and history.3.

Bachelor of Science Degree: typically involves technical fields. Requires a minimum of 180 quarter units for the degree; 54 units are required in the major, of which at least 27 quarter units are at the of 300-400 level. Is normally awarded in such majors as the physical and biological sciences, engineering, and agriculture.

Sources: http://www.academicprograms.calpoly.edu/academicpolicies/Policies-Undergrad/BA-BS-difference.htm .

It's a difference in the credits you need. BS degrees generally require different kinds of credits than a BA degree. For example, foreign language credits or additional required courses.

The end result is very similar.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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