What's the difference between a macbook pro and the macbook air?

The first main difference that you will notice just by looking at Macbook Pro and Macbook Air is the size. The Macbook air is thinner compared to Macbook Pro. However, these two laptops both have cheaper and higher versions.

Macbook Air's higher end version costs $3,098.00 while Macbook Pro higher end costs $2,799.00 The Macbook Air is the thinnest laptop with a full size keyboard and its thickest is only 0.76 inches so this could be one of the reason why it is relatively more expensive compared to Macbook Pro. The more expensive Macbook Air also contains a solid state hard drive and is great for those who are always on the go and constantly carries their laptop. The solid state hard drive does not spin making it more durable and less likely to get damaged while being carried around.

Apple also developed a program that comes with Macbook Air which can runon a pc or mac that has an optical drive. This is quite cool since you can put on the disc in one computer and it will wirelessly show up and install on your Macbook Air. This compensates for the lack of optical drive for the Macbook Air.

Both laptops are great and are built for different needs of the user. If you are the kind of persona who is constantly on the go and travels a lot, then Macbook Air is the best for you but if you want a laptop that has more storage and power then Macbook Pro is best for you. You can also carry Macbook Pro around with you but the Macbook Air is just easier to carry because it is lightweight and looks cooler.

The main difference in the 3 computers are the processor and the casing. Macbook is not made of aluminum but more like a hard plastic. It has a slightly slower processor and you can only upgrade to 4GB of RAM.

Macbook Pro is made of precision unibody aluminum enclosure. The processor is one of the fastest you can get in a laptop. The screen bezel is also black to make the screen color pop and make watching movies more enhanced.

It includes a SD card slot, Firewire 400 & 800. Macbook Air is very light and thin. Good Processor and great keyboard and screen that’s similar to the Macbook Pro.

However, no firewire and no DVD drive is a major drawback for someone who wants to burn movies or create movies by importing DV video. For a college student, I highly recommend the Macbook Pro 13? Or 15?.

The macbook is the cheapest of the laptops that apple make designed for music video photo internet etc. And the macbook pro has a bigger screen than the macbook and better graphics card etc. The macbook air is very thin and does not have a disc drive so they offer an external one which you have to buy separately. Hope this helps! I am going to get athe old white macbook because I cannot afford the new aluminum version.

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Good question. I have priced out a Macbook and a 13 inch Macbook Pro for you. I bumped up the RAM to 4 gb because that is the starting size for the Macbook Pro.

Below are screenshots of the two price comparisons. Basically for $200 more for the Macbook pro, you get a 2.4 GHz processor instead of 2.26 GHz processor, which means that the Macbook pro will be a little faster. Other than that everything internally will be the same, same hard drive, same amount of RAM.

The differences you will see is that the Macbook pro is a different design than the Macbook. It has the backlit keyboard, which is nice to have. And since Apple just came out with new Macbook pros, they now have a 10 hr battery life!

In my opinion that would be enough for me to go with the Macbook Pro and spend the extra $200. So basically the only pro for the Macbook would be that it is cheaper. But I think you get what you pay for when it comes to the Macbook Pro.So bottom line if you are willing to pay the extra $200 to get a little faster computer and a 10 hr battery life then go with the Macbook Pro.

As far as the Macbook Air is concerned, it is not a good buy. You are getting less of everything internally (RAM, speed, hard drive space) for a higher cost than the Macbook or Macbook Pro. The only reason why you would get the Macbook Air is if you are looking for an ultra portable computer.

And I make an emphasis on ultra portable. In my opinion, not a good buy. With the specs on the Macbook Air, you might as well save the money and get an iPad for those specs.

Hope this helps answer your question. Let me know if you need me to clarify anything or any other help. Love helping people choose their Macs!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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