From the time that an individual is infected to the time that the virus is actually detectable within the antibodies in the blood, it can take between one to six months before HIV will show positive through testing. Basically, this boils down to a grim fact: even if you tested negative for AIDS or HIV yesterday does not mean you will not test negative in a few months. Regular testing for those who are sexually active or those who have ever been sexually active should be part of our overall health check-up.
Your partner could very well have HIV and not know if he or she contracted it since he or she has been tested and may have it even if he or she has been tested and the incubation time of 1 to 6 months have not passed. The time from HIV infection to the diagnosis of AIDS varies greatly. This time frame may be 2 months or in some cases, more than a decade.
There are many medical advances that allow those infected to live long, productive lives. One thing is for certain though, HIV most certainly will one day turn into AIDS. There is no cure for AIDS nor is there a vaccination that will prevent the spread of this deadly STD.
Fortunately, the virus isn’t passed as easily as some from person to person. General contact with someone who has AIDS is safe. Only an exchange in bodily fluids is a worry.
The statistics of HIV is alarming. One in 250 Americans are HIV positive; however, only around one in double that (500! ) actually knows that they are infected.
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