Gotomeeting. Com is the obvious easiest answer to your problem, but it only offers a 30 day trial period or is a subscription software. If you depend on this setup for sales or serious collaboration it may be worth paying.
I also came up with a link to this site, in which the guy talks about free alternatives: I managed to sign up with Yugma and within a few short minutes I was already set up and able to share my desktop with a colleague. The free Yugma service allows me to invite up to 10 attendees and thats more than enough for me and I think its a pretty decent web collaboration tool. I had a quick look at two other tools that give free desktop sharing.
The first one is Yakkle which competes very well with instant messaging tools and remote meeting and web conferencing tools. It would be interesting to hear from other people who use the tool more often. The other free tool that I came across is Vyew.No installation is required for this one and therefore you are able to use it from any computer with a browser.
I didn't get around to test it but I hope to find some time to give it a go.
If you want to share your screen running a Mac: Just go to System Preferences>Sharing and check the box that says Screen Sharing.
This will automatically start the screensharing application. If they aren't on your local network and you're behind a router you'll need to forward the VNC port (which is 5900) to your local IP address shown on the sharing screen page. Instructions on forwarding your router ports can be found here: If they aren't on your network, but you're connected directly through the router via ethernet cable you won't need to forward any ports.
Now, for them to connect to you you'll need to use your external IP which can be found on . Just use the same steps above except with the external IP instead of local IP. If you want to share your screen running Windows: Download a program called TightVNC ( ).
Then go through the steps to set up a server. After that just follow the steps above for forwarding your port and giving the person your external IP address. Hope that answers your question!
I used GotoMeeting before but just got expensive at $49 a month. I've searched on the web for a cheaper tool, yet with good features. Found Banckle (free for 1 year) and 321meet (simple and free).
Better try what will suit your needs.
I use Banckle Remote Access application to share my screen with others. Its one of the best web based application for remote desktop sharing. Plus it is Free for one year.
Banckle Remote Access:
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.