What's worse, hipsters or elitists?

I have always thought that *certain* metal elitists and indie Hipsters had a lot in common. The BM fans only want to hear underground bands (with only 5 fans..) which sounds as raw as you can get. If it is not raw, they automatically call the band a sellout and BM poser.

It is funny how you can compare them to indie Hipsters. If an indie band gets popular and becomes more accessable, it is automatically called a sellout or poser band by the elitists. MQ- Which group lives up to their ridiculous stereotype best?

Probably the indie hipsters. But the black metal elitists can live up to it pretty well. I find it annoying when any group of people including metalheads cannot accept anything different.

MQ2 -Are the stereotypes even accurate in the first place.. or do they truly only represent a small, but absurdly vocal portion of each group? As with many stereotypes, I would say that it only fits a small portion of these groups. I cannot say all hipsters or metalheads are the same.

The elitists are a very small portion of both groups. MQ3- Is one truly any more absurd than the other.. or are they opposites sides of the same pretentious coin? When it comes to elitism of the music fans, there is not much of a difference.

It is funny how I drew such a good comparison between indie Hipsters and black metal elitists in my first para.

I've never met anyone who calls himself a member of the 'tr00 kvlt' clan, but I DO know a hipster. I already went over her musical disdainfulness towards me (over everyone else, maybe because I feel as strongly about music as she does). So, speaking from experience, hipsters are much, much worse, but less...violent, from what I've heard.

KC is my source, so I really don't know. Sorry, I don't feel lucid. I'm completely lucid, but I don't FEEL very lucid.

Could be the mental strain of answering these questions which actually involve thinking, something which I prefer not to do copiously.... MA: Neither, honestly. I've only met one hipster, and I know a ton of casual indie and metal fans. See, this proves how ridiculous stereotyping is...the only place that stereotypes can be confirmed or 'lived up to' at all is on the internet, and very rarely in the REAL world.

Assumedly, again, not feeling too lucid. MA2: YES. Even then, they aren't particularly vocal, compared to the less dedicated (or...are they more dedicated for being less single-minded?) members of the fan-base.

MA3: A coin with three sides? You're blowin' my mind, KP. MA4: If it isn't being used in a satirical context or to describe how pretensions can be earned (you know, instead of saying 'this is pretentious, end of story'), yeah, it is pretty pretentious to use 'pretentious' to describe any form of art.

@KC - Isn't it funny how Christgau labels everything he doesn't like 'pretentious', yet he himself is INCREDIBLY 'pretentious'? (Oops.) No.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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