What's your favorite board game? Do kids play board games any more?

I love Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary and Scrabble. Earlier on in life I love Risk, Life, Clue, Battleship...all of them...Do kids even play board games any more or is it all on the PC and cell phone? Asked by jm0405 18 months ago Similar questions: favorite board game kids play games Games & Leisure > Board Games.

Similar questions: favorite board game kids play games.

Games I love playing games! I know many children who still do also. Usually the boys stick to video games instead of board games but the girls still play board games.

Some of my favorite are: Scrabble Pictionary Checkers Monopoly Clue Scategories Apples to Apples .

Try "Euro" board games! Since you asked for one favorite, I'll mention the one that I personally like the best. It's a classic from Germany called Carcassonne.In this game, players build their own board through turns and are building small cities and roads for points.

There is a lot of strategy, but even when it's not going well, its fun to play and just build the cities. European board games are what "serious" gamers play these days There are two companies in the US that translate the games into English and sell them in the US. They also make their own games in the European style.

The company that makes Carcassone in the US is Rio Grande. The other big company in the US is Mayfair.My entire family is really into board games. I was hired for my current job because of my hobby.

I set up board game events for teens in the library. I go to gaming conventions where you spend days at a time doing nothing but play board games. Sources: Personal experience keobooks's Recommendations Rio Grande Games Carcassonne: Wheel of Fortune Amazon List Price: $29.99 The Settlers of Catan Amazon List Price: $49.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 296 reviews) Puerto Rico Amazon List Price: $44.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 66 reviews) Agricola Amazon List Price: $69.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 41 reviews) Incan Gold: Quest for Riches in the Ruins Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) These are some of the most popular "Euro" games around right now.

Except for Incan Gold -- that one is just a fun game I picked that is great for more casual players.It's basically "Press Your Luck" in Card Game form.

Kids still play board games but tire of them earlier I think. I have worked in a school-age child care center for about 15 years. Children still play chess but it has become kinda academic -- and checkers for fun, but they don't play them over and over like they once did.

Card games involving Pokemon, Magic Cards, Pongs, etc. Are the closest thing to board games that kids are doing nowadays. Battleship remains popular.It is hard to get kids interested in board games that take too long to play or have too many rules. Most children are likely to scatter the peices or make other uses of them.

Memory games that require playing electronic sequences get short-term interest as well. Children still play games with marbles, or mini-sports type games like Air Hocky, Foosball, Ping Pong, and various billiard-related games.

I love Scrabble It is pretty competitive in our family! Other popular boardgames in our household are Monopoly and Boggle. When kids were young, Life was enjoyed...by the kids... I don't think they qualify as "board"games, but card games are very popular too.

There is one game that threatens to replace Scrabble as the most popular in our household. And, that is Bananagrams. It is exciting because of its speed.

I think it was developed by a man who got bored waiting for others to make their moves in Scrabble. The only thing working against it is that it is played directly on a tabletop, without an actual "board". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know many kids who play boardgames.

I don't know if it is this way in other families; but, sometimes at family get togethers there is a lot of enjoyable stuff to talk about. And, sometimes, there isn't. When the conversation lulls or when the conversation shifts to "advice-giving" and other less desirable forms of family gatherings, we find that boardgames allow us a pleasant excuse to spend time together in a fun way.

Meaningful conversation can take place around the moves. This was especially useful during the children's teenage years. Sources: Google Images .

Risk, but I can't get a copy of the game and no one would play with me anyway. As it is, when we do (rarely) play Monopoly, everyone else insists on including the National Lottery (Free Parking $500), which does make the game go faster, admittedly.

Or board game?(s)" "What is the worst board game you have/had to play with your little ones?" "Nostalgia Time - Board Games.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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