When god drowned every one on the planet did the children get to go to heaven?

Look at the hilarious answers by Christians on this page. Apparently since God knew their potential future, he is allowed to kill everyone before they get a chance to use their free will in the first place. And if God has the ability to do that when he knows that the people are going to grow up to be evil, then why in the world are we around today using free will?

Christians are constantly ranting about how immoral and godless today's society is. Surely there are far more atheists today than what Christians would predict were around during the time of the flood myth. And so why would we be allowed to live to the age of literacy and adulthood while the potentially millions of babies were not?

This is when theists use the omnipotence/omniscience properties to defend their beliefs. Well since God is magical and knows everything and can do anything, he has a magic plan that you don't know about. And he doesn't have to tell you or show you how it's logical.

But I am just gonna say that since God is all-knowing, that he works in mysterious ways to accomplish his esoteric secret goals. And that can even include killing the whole world in a flood, just for the population to come back 7 billion strong and just as disobedient toward the old Bible book as before. The most hilarious part is when someone says "how do you know they all drowned?"

The fact is that the Bible talks of a flood, and when someone brings up how all those babies must have drowned, the response is virtually, "God is magical. He is just, too. So he must have peacefully killed them BEFORE the drowning.

How merciful of him! Prove me wrong." Plus there is the part where the person talks about how that would have been to many babies to keep alive, since Noah was already taking care of a bunch of animals...millions of them.

So why keep all the babies alive? Why not just KILL them? So Yahweh is actually smart to kill the babies now?

If you're religious, you can use logic that disproves one part of your theory but ignore it and only use that same logic if it attempts to disprove accusations posed by nonbelievers. You see that? Lul Magical thinking gives me the lolz.

You could make up new stories any time, and if it's contradictory, ooooo he's using his mysterious property.

To begin with, we can be confident that God's way is always righteous. Job 34:10-12 says: "Therefore, YOU men of heart, listen to me. Far be it from the true God to act wickedly, And the Almighty to act unjustly!

11 For according to the way earthling man acts he will reward him, And according to the path of man he will cause it to come upon him. 12 Yes, for a fact, God himself does not act wickedly, And the Almighty himself does not pervert judgment." With regards to free will, every person has it.

God's knowledge of the future ways or decisions of man does not mean deprivation of free will or freedom of choice. God can foresee the future. The Bible contains prophcies that had fulfilled after years or even decades and centuries.

God also foretold specific prophecies mentioning specific names like Cyrus. Isaiah 44:25–45:4; Daniel 8:2-8, 20-22. This does not mean that God infringe man's free will.

God does not use his abilitiy to know the future in an *unlimited* way. There are instances that he us uses it, there are times not. In the case of Adam and Eve, he apparently chose not to foresee whethere they would obey him or not.

It is therefore a question, not of whether God *can* foresee the future, but whether he *chooses* to foresee the future. In either way, our free will is not undermined or violated. With regards to the infants, though the Bible does not specifically about them in the time of Noah, God can see through their future.

Again, it does not infringe their free will. God's judgement is always righteous, as we can learn from Job 34:10-12.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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