Unfortunately, when it comes to the internet, resources are scarce for lists of famous people who were born or have lived in Arizona at some point in their lives. 50states. Com has a short information page on Arizona, and has a list of famous Arizonians.It also provides information on where these people were born/have lived, including some famous people who were born/have lived in Phoenix.
The most extensive list that can be found on the web regarding list of famous people who were born or have lived in Arizona can be found on Wikipedia. However, the list on Wikipedia does not tell you whether these people were born in Phoenix. You can, for most of the people on the list, click on the names of these people and you will be taken to their Wikipedia page where you will be able to find out whether they were born in Phoenix.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_from_Arizona.
There are a number of sites where you can find a list of notable people born in Philadelphia, however I have found two sites, which I suggest you take a good look. First of this two sites is the Helium. Com, which mentioned a number of notable and famous people such as Betsy Ross, known as the maker of the American Flag, Katherine Drexel, a saint declared by the Pope during the year 1988.As far as singers are concerned, the site also listed Pink, Patti LaBelle, Jim Croce, Mario Lanza and Eddie Fisher.
With regards to celebrities, their lineup includes Grace Kelly, John and Ethel Barrymore, W. C Fields, Jack Klugman, Kevin Bacon, Richard Gere, Will Smith, Bill Cosby and Kim Delaney.In terms of athletes, notable people includes, Joe Frazier, Sonny Liston, Wilt Chamberlain, Kobe Bryant and Julius Earving. Another site where you can find listing of notable people in Philadelphia is FamousWhy.
Com, the sites lists the famous people in alphabetical order not only Philiadelphia but also individuals from other places.
You will find a list of notable people born in Philadelphia at thingstodo. Com and at wapedia. Mob These are just some of the famous people that are found on the list: 1.
Joseph Addison Alexander he was a biblical scholar 2. Leon Bass is an educator, and principal of Benjamin Franklin Noam Chmosky a linguist 4. Martha Graham is a dancer and choreographer who danced in the ballet Appalachian Spring 5. Edward Goodrich Acheson is a notable chemist and inventor.
He invented carborundum and received 70 patents during his lifetime 6. Richard Allen is the founder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 7. Andrew Weil is a medical doctor who established the field of integrative medicine 8.
Howard M. Temin is a nobel colaureate in physiology or medecine 1975.9.Joseph "Joe" Biden is a former senator and now the current vice-president of the U.S. 10. Shirley Mae Jones is a singer and actress of stage, film and TV
Bill Keane is a famous American cartoonist who work in the long-running newspaper comic "The Family Circus" 12. Gene Kelly was a dancer, actor, singer, film director and producer and choreographer. He was known for his energetic and athletic dancing style.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.