I went to a Costco in the States just a little while ago. I found this Teddy. I immediately feel in love, but because our luggage space was limited, I could not bring him back.
As soon as I got home in Canada, I went to Costco and looked for this bear, but he was not there! Please tell me where I can order him online! This is a picture of the bear.
Similar questions: find 53 Teddy Bear Costco.
I totally LOVE THAT bear. I was in Costco and fell in LOVEEEEEEEE with that teddy, I named him fred :) I searched online for him, and I found this guy that has them, but he can ship them to you :) here's the link com/MiscForSale/25-53-super-soft-plush-stuffed-bear/11145252.
cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&i... have a couple in dark brown also. Dll? ViewItem&item=170636027757&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT.
My boyfd got me one and I just received it yesterday. Do you want it? I can sell it to you!
Our next door neighbors have one and my daughter ABSOLUTELY LOVES it! I would pay whatever for it....thanks for your help!
I'm looking for a baby toy that is a teddy bear head with a blue blanket for the body. Where can I find it? " "I's like to find the 53" teddy bear that Costco was selling.
Anyone know a reliable source? " "I am looking for a cross stitch pattern of 2 little girls having a tea party with a teddy bear...." "i have been looking for the where's boo range of soft toys and one I really need sleeping bear" "Should I send my boyfriend a teddy bear? (details inside)" "Where can I buy a teddy bear called "Bad Mouth Bear"?" "are teddy bear hamsters good pets?
" "I'm looking for a teddy bear made by carter's that has a blue ribbon around the neck" "Just for fun: Is anyone here an adult who still sleeps with a Teddy bear? :)" "How is a teacher's imprisonment and possible whipping for approving students' Muhammad teddy bear possible?
I'm looking for a baby toy that is a teddy bear head with a blue blanket for the body. Where can I find it?
I's like to find the 53" teddy bear that Costco was selling. Anyone know a reliable source?
I am looking for a cross stitch pattern of 2 little girls having a tea party with a teddy bear....
I have been looking for the where's boo range of soft toys and one I really need sleeping bear.
I'm looking for a teddy bear made by carter's that has a blue ribbon around the neck.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.