They sell the Pauly D wig at Costume Super Center. I will include the direct link below. I see it is on sale right now for just $15.99.
You may also want to buy a wig cap, to keep your hair down and flat, so the wig lays perfectly. They sell those there too. Truthfully, Pauly D from Jersey Shore is very popular this year.
You will most likely be able to go into most Halloween or costume shops and find that particular wig. As for doing the hairstyle yourself from home, it really depends on your current style. You would want to bring all the hair straight up, section by section and spray with hairspray for great hold.
If your hair is too long or too short it will not work. The hair at the bottom and sides need to be quite a bit longer than the top portion of your hair to meet up evenly at the top. Your hair almost needs to be specifically cut for this style to make it work.
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