Where can I get tabs for Metallica songs?

To be honest with you I don't use tabs, I hear something and I try to play. At first it was hard but after a while of practice I came to do it right. A lot of tabs I found are incorrect and that's why I choose to do things my way.

If you still want tabs you can find some here : 911tabs.com/ you can find here 25000 Metallica tabs. Some of them are for the program Guitar Pro 4 some are normal tabs. The program GP4 or GP5 is a good way to start learning guitar, bass or even piano.

This is another site were you can find some tabs : ultimate-guitar.com/ Hope that helps.

Rock on!

To be honest with you I don't use tabs, I hear something and I try to play. At first it was hard but after a while of practice I came to do it right. A lot of tabs I found are incorrect and that's why I choose to do things my way.

If you still want tabs you can find some here : http://www.911tabs.com/ you can find here 25000 Metallica tabs. Some of them are for the program Guitar Pro 4 some are normal tabs. The program GP4 or GP5 is a good way to start learning guitar, bass or even piano.

This is another site were you can find some tabs : http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/ Hope that helps.

Rock on! To be honest with you I don't use tabs, I hear something and I try to play.

At first it was hard but after a while of practice I came to do it right. A lot of tabs I found are incorrect and that's why I choose to do things my way. You can find here 25000 Metallica tabs.

Some of them are for the program Guitar Pro 4 some are normal tabs. The program GP4 or GP5 is a good way to start learning guitar, bass or even piano. Hope that helps.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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