Where do you usually buy a book? In a bookstore or in a discount book shop?

Most of my books come from discount shops. There are occasions where I can't wait for the latest book, of my favorite authors, to make it to the secondary market and I instead buy from a national bookstore as soon as it is released.

Anymore I buy most of my books at thrift stores, flea markets or garage sales. The only time I buy a new book is if it is something I really want to read, and doubt that I will find it later some where else.

Thanks @point2make and @Rev Bruce Jackson for answering my question. As for me, I have established some kind of a rule. As I am fond of reading some categories from current affairs, I buy most of the books from the bookstore because current information is important.

Bookstore are up to date in releasing recently published books. But seldom do I buy hardbound. I could wait a little more for the paperback edition.

However, for those books that are not affected by the passage of time and information like novels, and non-fiction classics of famous contemporary authors, that one I would buy from discount book shop. Also picture or coffee table books. I established this rule because I have bought several books from discount shops that were more than 3 to 5 years old.

Some I did not enjoy reading as much because I am looking as far back in retrospect. You agree that sometimes there is a joy or an AHA! Moment when you read a book and truly understand the situation as it is happening?

That's what I am after... (,").

I m crazy about buying old books not because they are cheap but they are old that makes them more unique and beautiful. And if a book not find in old book shop than definitely would buy from bookstore.

Discount book shop... friends of the library book sales... 1/2 off used books on final Saturday of the month.

When I was in school, I had to read a lot of novels for my English courses, and I would usually buy them at used book stores. As for books that I want to read in my spare time, or have been waiting to come out, I will buy them from Chapters. Ca or pre-order them if they have yet to be released.

I almost always read my Children's Lit books first because it is one of my favourite genres to read.

I usually buy my books from charity shops, just when I'm browsing. Sometimes if I really want a book, I use amazon, other times, I shop in my local bookshop.

I buy books from multiple sources. Books that I know I'm going to put in my library I buy knew from a chain store, unless an older version is, in my opinion, a better version. However, I buy books from garage/yard sales, library book sales, used book stores, second hand stores, so on and so on, all the time just because they look interesting.It is a cheaper way to find out if you like a book, a series, or genre.

All in all, my collection is 50-50, new to used, with a my favorites being used out of date books.

Gives it to the bookstore to place on their shelves. The author for the book until it sells. To the author.

This can work with an author who has a strong local following. 0793193087), and three other nonfiction books.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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