Where does System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write output appear?

As others have pointed out, listeners have to be registered in order to read these streams. Also note that Debug. Write will only function if the DEBUG build flag is set, while Trace.

Write will only function if the TRACE build flag is set.

As others have pointed out, listeners have to be registered in order to read these streams. Also note that Debug. Write will only function if the DEBUG build flag is set, while Trace.

Write will only function if the TRACE build flag is set. Setting the DEBUG and/or TRACE flags is easily done in the project properties in Visual Studio or by supplying the following arguments to csc. Exe /define:DEBUG;TRACE.

I'm not using any IDE like Visual Studio, just the 'csc. Exe' command line compiler. – Frerich Raabe Jul 21 '09 at 15:21 See revised answer – Tormod Fjeldskår Jul 21 '09 at 15:26 Excellent, defining DEBUG and/or TRACE on the command line makes my test work.

Accepting this answer. – Frerich Raabe Jul 21 '09 at 15:27 2 It was useful (didn't expect that) for me to find out that Debug and Trace objects use the same trace listeners, therefore, both Debug. Write and Trace.

Write output to the same place(s), it is just that depending on conditions they might not get executed – hello_earth Jul 21 '09 at 16:54 could you elaborate on what conditions they are? Exactly which situation a debug. Write will not work the same as a trace.

Write? – Pacerier Jul 21 '09 at 16:41.

You need to add a TraceListener to see them appear on the Console. TextWriterTraceListener writer = new TextWriterTraceListener(System.Console. Out); Debug.Listeners.

Add(writer); They also appear in the Visual Studio Output window when in Debug mode.

– Henk Holterman Jul 21 '09 at 15:14 Apparently DebugView will capture both the . NET Debug.Write() and Win32 OutputDebugString(): technet.microsoft.Com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647 – dlchambers Dec 15 at 17:29.

While debugging System.Diagnostics.Debug. WriteLine will display in the output window. (Ctrl+Alt+O) You can also add a TraceListener to the Debug.

Listeners collection to specify Debug. WriteLine calls to output in other locations. Note: Debug.

WriteLine calls may not display in the output window if you have the Visual Studio option "Redirect all Output Window text to the Immediate Window" checked under the menu Tools > Options > Debugging > General.

Thanks for the tip. Solved my problem. – Gregory Oct 20 '09 at 4:03 Me too.

This answer should be voted higher. – Byron Whitlock Jun 23 at 3:42.

The Debug.Write()/Trace.Write() methods write to the subscribed TraceListeners, the default listener writes to OutputDebugString(). OutputDebugString() is a Win32 API, it uses some sort of memorychannel. Visual Studio's Ouptut window is one way to view it but there are other tools available as well.

Edit: As you want output to DebugView I would suggest adding a DefaultTraceListener and use the Trace/Debug Write methods instead of OutputDebugString() in your code.

Yes, as I wrote in my question, I'm using OutputDebugString and DebugView already. Is the default TraceListener which writes to OutputDebugString registered by default? My trivial test case doesn't make it look like that.

– Frerich Raabe Jul 21 '09 at 15:22 I suppose that Visual Studio adds it. You can add it in code or use an app. Config – Henk Holterman Jul 21 '09 at 15:41.

The Diagnostics messages are displayed in the Output Window.

While you are debugging in Visual Studio, display the "Output" window (View->Output). It will show there.

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