There @ginamichellesattic! Well first, good luck to your daughter. :) I'm sure as her parent, you're much excited than her.
Here are some sites you can check: - - - - (specifically written for teens) I think when it comes to hairstyle; you must consider some things... 1. The shape of the face - this is the most basic thing to consider on choosing a hairstyle. You must emphasize you daughter’s good facial features and flaunt them of course.2.
Accessories and the cut of the dress - if your daughter will be wearing a gown which has too much detail on the neck part, putting her hair down won't be a good idea since it will hide the gown. 3. Age - since your daughter is just 13 years old, of course it won't be that nice to have her wear too big-looking hair-dos.
Okay, I think those will do for now. No need to specify the occasion since you already mentioned that this is for a beauty pageant. If you will be the one who will style her hair personally, you have to practice few times before the pageant day itself so you would know exactly what to do and what will look better on her.
;) Good luck again!
There are quite a few places where you can go online to find great ideas and images of Pageant Hairstyles. Of course on of these places is at Google where they have hundreds of different images of hairstyles that can be done for Pageants. However, if you would like ideas and information on how to go about creating Pageant hairdos, there are a few other places where you can go to find this out, for example Pageantry Magazine, which has many articles pertaining to how to create a winning hairdo Another place where you will find articles and images on Pageant hairdos is at Ehow.
This website has several articles that will tell you step by step how to create Pageant hairdos. I hope you will find this information helpful. Good luck to you and your daughter.
Pageant Hairstyles Ideas by Beauty Queens and Pretty Hair Models
I would go to the magazine aisle and look for a pageant magazine. Also try going to the hair salon, they normally have books with different hair styles.
When competing in any pageant, you obviously want to look your best. You have to make sure you have your outfit, make up, shoes and your hairstyle planned out. And if you think beauty pageant winners all have long flowing tresses, think again!
There are several pageant hairstyles for medium hair which look stunning! It is not necessary to have long hair to look good on stage. The key here is to add glamor to your beautiful hairstyle to make it appropriate for a pageant.
Remember to make hairstyles that are simple, elegant and most importantly, done with a lot of hairspray to keep them in place. The following are a few ideas for pageant hairstyles for medium hair. 1.
Classic French Twist 2. Going Retro 3. Edgy Look for more fashion related tips visit
Oh how exciting! My daughter is grown now, but when she was young we entered a couple pageants, just for the experience. We usually visit Updo Princess.It is a website filled with hairstyle ideas and so much more.
They offer tips on all sorts of hairdos and make-up. Here is their link: I used to also glance at magazines with pictures of updos. You can always add glitter or glam to any updo style.
You can also search the internet for updo ideas. If you are experimenting from home, invest in alot of bobby pins and get SUPER holding hairspray. You will not want the finished style to move at all.
You may also want a great curling iron. We got a few. One had a large barrel, one had a medium size barrel and one had a small barrel.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.