Where is the best URL/LINK to help someone find a legitimate 'telecommuting' job?

A friend of mine who was severely injured in a car accident (his vehicle was slammed into, by a drunk driver who was trying to send a TEXT MESSAGE, while driving! ) is now confined to a wheelchair (hopefully, not for the rest of his life) and needs to have a job that he can do from his home computer, which I understand is called "TELECOMMUTING."He's never done this kind of work before, but I understand that AT&T (for example) employs 7,000 people nationwide, who stay at home and do their work assignments by computer, without having to do any traveling, at all. That sounds like the ideal situation for my friend, and for others, too, considering that in the USA, gasoline prices are now over $4/gallon.

Anyway, I'd like any links that you know about, that offer legitimate employment to someone seeking that kind of work. I'd be grateful for whatever information you could share with me, regarding this, and I thank you (in advance, on behalf of my friend) for your assistance. Asked by Scorpio7 40 months ago Similar questions: URL LINK help find legitimate telecommuting job Business > Jobs.

Similar questions: URL LINK help find legitimate telecommuting job.

Very hard to find legitimate jobs Most telecommuting jobs are those done my long-time experienced employees with a company, who have a track record with that company, who can be trusted to work by themselves with the self discipline to get things done on time and correctly. In other words, most telecommuting jobs are filled by people who are known and trusted by the company. It's very very unusual to have a new employee with no track record get a home-work job.IN addition, many telecommuting jobs do require *some* office time.

In some cases it can be one day a week, while in other cases it might be one week a month. No matter what, there is some need for "face time" and that needs to be taken into account. Further, if your friend were to get a telecommuting job, no doubt there would be some training required, which would make him have to go to wherever the training is taking place.

Finally, some jobs are amenable to telecommuting (computer programming, for one, some sales for another) while others are not (retail sales, marketing, things where you need others to do your job). What skills does your friend have? What can he bring to the position?

I'm really not trying to be negative, but rather, realistic.

Telecommuting jobs are not easy to get There are a lot of companies that hire people who telecommute however it isn't as easy as getting a job outside the home. Your friend will need to have a good resume and cover letter prepared and depending on his skills start applying at the appropriate companies. One great place for him to start is nticentral.org/ they connect people with disabilites to employers willing to hire employees and contractors for home-based assignments.Be sure to tell your friend to NOT fall for the trap of paying for a job.

Many websites make it sound like they can get you data entry work if you only pay a one time fee.. It's a scheme and not really a job. There are also a lot of payment processing scams going on right now as well which people are falling for since they promise a great job and great pay. Warn him of those too.

There are legit work from home jobs I am sorry to hear about your friend. There are lots of jobs that you can do from home and make good money. You are not going to get rich working from home, but you can make a good living.

Most people who work from home make just as much as they would working outside the home, plus you save money by not buying gas, work clothes and lunches out. Just remember never pay to work from home. You would not pay any outside company to work for them and the same is true with telecommuting jobs.

Working From Home Resource is a great free website that list legit companies that hire people to work from home. Check them out. workingfromhomeresource.com" rel="nofollow">workingfromhomeresource.com Sources: workingfromhomeresource.com" rel="nofollow">workingfromhomeresource.com .

" " Here's my problem...I need to get a picture of myself that is connected to a URL link! I have" "Is a url and a link the same thing? " "Are there actually any legitimate online jobs that you don't have to pay for to get the job?

" "I need to find a true, legitimate work-at-home job. I am at the end of my rope and I'm asking for your help. Thanks all.

" "where can I check that certai website is legitimate? Especially home online jobs jobs" "i am looking for a job for my son that is 18yrs old we live in springfield, ohio any help out there online jobs.

Is proelectronicsshop. Com a legitimate online store... or, does anyone know of a site that would help me find out?

Here's my problem...I need to get a picture of myself that is connected to a URL link! I have.

I need to find a true, legitimate work-at-home job. I am at the end of my rope and I'm asking for your help. Thanks all.

I am looking for a job for my son that is 18yrs old we live in springfield, ohio any help out there online jobs.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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