Annelisle! Tell your sister to shop at Amazon. Com because she would not need coupons there.
Most Victoria’s Secrets items there are discounted already. I bought 1 bottle of body mist just recently which I include with my other stuffs that were shipped to a friend and I got a 39% instant discount for it. In some stores, you wouldn’t need to have coupons because they already offer the items on sale but if they would still accept additional coupons, then it means additional savings for the shoppers.So, here are some coupons to help your sister save: Victoria’s Secret – $15 off $100, $30 off $150, $75 off $250 or $150 off $500 Order Victoria’s Secret coupon posted 3 days ago Coupon Code: FALL10 (Expires 09/02/10) Get $15 off orders of $100 or more at
Use provided coupon code. Coupon is also valid for getting $30 off orders or $150 or more and $75 off orders of $250 or more. See site for details.
Coupon code: FALL10 Code: FA1022981 Description: 4-Tier Coupon - $15 off $100, $30 off $150, $75 off $250 or $150 off $500 Or let her visit these helpful sites:'s-Secret-coupons-deals. Html!%20FREE%20lip%20gloss%20with%20PIN shoppers. So0 shoppers.
Here is the great source for finding latest Victoria's secret coupon codes. On the link below, you can easily find all the coupons from Victoria's Secret and able to save your money. Thanks.
As a male, I obviously don't use and haven't shopped for Victoria's Secret products, but found some websites that have coupons for their merchandise. RetailMeNot. Com has a list of many active coupons with success rates on the coupons raning from 20 to 90 percent.At there are several online and printable coupons with August and September 2010 expiration dates and some that are limited time.
The coupons range from a free item to a monetary or a percentage discount. At the Victoria's Secret site, there is a 25 to 50% off of swimwear at the present time. There is also a $15 discount on $100 purchases, up to $150 dollars off of $500 purchase when using the offer code FALL10.
Ebates. Com offers online coupon and coupon codes plus 2.0% cash back upon registration.
I love Victoria’s secret products too, especially the secret garden collection, but I d not use them anymore because of their prices. But here are some places that you can locate coupons for Victoria’s secret. These places include sites like: * through this link you could get up to 50% discount off you entire purchase.
You would even find coupons with certain dollars of on a particular purchase. There are also some freebies available when you buy a particular product. * through this link you would find coupons for lotions, perfumes and other beauty products by Victoria’s secret.
* * * * * * * Most of these coupons can be printed out. But others could be in form of coupon codes, discounts, free shipping and special deals. They also have date of expiration, and should be used prior to that date.
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