I think the Nebraska Cornhuskers Football | Nebraska Cornhuskers have a great chance of being even better in 2010. Quarterback Zac Lee injured his arm early in the 2009 season and should rebound this year and have an excellent season. He has a big play receiver in Niles Paul who had 796 yards receiving and averaged nearly 20 yards per reception.
Curenski Gilleyen also has big play capabilities. He averaged 17.9 yards per reception as a sophomore and should continue to develop. Running back Roy Helu Jr, who has improved each year and had 1,147 yards rushing and 9 touchdowns last year, should provide the bulk of the running attack.
Kicker Alex Henry has a strong and accurate leg and kicked a 52 yard field goal last year. On the defensive side of the ball, the Cornhuskers are returning many starters, with more playing time together will continue to improve and could be a dominiating unit this sesaon. In general, the Cornhuskers could certainly win the Conference and play in a big Bowl Game this upcoming season.
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