Which do you choose, David Letterman or Jay Leno, for your late show viewing pleasure?

Similar questions: choose David Letterman Jay Leno late show viewing pleasure.

When I was younger, it was David Letterman, but now, if I can stay up that late, it's Jay Leno. Not really sure what that says about me! Maybe I like a kinder, gentler late-night talk show host?

Although I saw Jay Leno live last summer in Vegas, and oh my! He was different than he is on tv. Not raunchy or offensive, mind you, but he did make jokes about the size of his penis, etc.And it caught me off guard!

He was hilarious, though. David Letterman just seems more cranky to me. I used to watch him religiously when I was in college and he came on after The Tonight Show.

It seems to me that not getting the Tonight Show gig made him bitter or something. Then again, what do I know? Rickisgirl's Recommendations Late Night with David Letterman Book of Top Ten Lists Amazon List Price: $12.00 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) I do love the top 10 lists!


Jay Leno He's a better interviewer, has better jokes (even though mostly corny) and is down-to-earth.

David Letterman - theoretically. Now, if I ever made it up that late...

Letterman I'm from Indiana, so maybe I'm biased, but I always pick Letterman over Leno.

CONAN! Remember, I am the night owl! Well Spatzie-Lover, I hate it when people change my question and I do not get the answer I intended... so my answer would be Jay Leno for sure.

I don't mind watching Leno. I can hardly stand Letterman (although Carson makes me gag! ) Conan is straight up hilerious!

He has such a great personality and sense of humor. He can be serious too when need be, but most of the time he is poking fun at himself and his pasty white body. He really does a good job interviewing guests, and his monologs are always a kick.

I do like actual items and Jaywalking on Leno though! But since I'm a night owl, I watch Conan! Sources: My TVs history dwdrums's Recommendations If They Mated Amazon List Price: $7.95 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 13 reviews) Here's another great bit!.

Do you think that when shows like the Tonight Show, David Letterman, and Jon Stewart ...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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