Both walking and riding a bicycle are great cardiovascular exercises because they are low impact so they cause less strain on your joints. The health benefits of both can be very good and the value of both will depend on how much you push yourself when you do them. Walking at 2 miles per hour and 4 miles per hour will generate different results.
The calories burned during these activities will also depend upon how much you weigh. That said, for a person who weighs 160 lbs, below is a list of the calories burned in 30 minutes: Biking (leisure) – 144 Biking (12-14 mph) – 317 Biking (14-16 mph) – 384 Walking (2 mph) – 101 Walking (3 mph) – 158 Walking (4 mph) - 187 You should always do at least 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise in order to get your heart rate up and get a good workout.
Both walking and bike riding are healthy beneficial exercises as both are cardio effective. If an individual walks for 30 minutes and another individual rides a bike for 30 minutes, the individual who rode the bike would benefit more, in comparison to the person who rode the bike. This is because the body makes more physical movements during a bike ride and the heart's rhythm increases faster with more physical activity.
When the pumping of the heart increases, so does the oxygen that is passed through the body creating more nutrients and strengthening the areas of the body that receives oxygenated blood flow. When someone is walking, unless they are doing a brisk walk uphill, it can take longer for the heart to increase it's rate.
Both exercises are good cardiovascular exercises, but for those benefits alone, biking would be better if both are done for just a half hour. The intensity of riding a bicycle is more than one can walk, unless one does the fast walking. But a normal, moderate walk of about 4 miles per hour will burn less calories than a half hour of bike riding.
Also, riding a bike will torn and firm the leg muscles better than walking. It can be harder on the joints, particularly in the knee, but for those without any knee problems, biking is best. If you want to burn the same number of calories, you can walk for a longer period of time if you enjoy walking more.
Hope this helps and enjoy your bike ride!
Assuming you take the same route, you will spend less time cycling than walking. And if you spent the time speed-walking, you will burn more calories walking because you are exercising longer. It also depends on the lay of the land whether you are walking or cycling uphill or in a flat area.
Both activities are healthy so it would be best to switch off by walking one week, bike the next to keep your body guessing and adopting all the time. When you bike, you are using more leg muscle and they would be toned up quite well. For example you weigh 70 kg and walk 10 miles that is 70kg miles burning "x" cals.So when you cycle that distance and for instance your bike weight 7 kg that would be 77kg miles so yo have burnt 10% more calories.
It is less stressful on your body too because it is low impact. Brisk walking or speed walking burns more calories compared to gliding on a bike. However, both biking and walking can be effective exercises, it just depends on the effort that you put into it.
Walking on the other hand burns more calories per distance compared to biking. Do both and try to see which one makes you more tired or breathe heavier. If you walk 3-4 miles a day that is ideal and if you ride a bike the same distance you will feel like you worked harder when you walked compared when you cycle.
Weight bearing like walking, running, and skating is said to be better than other exercise.
One advantage walking has over bicycling is its effect on bone density. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking and hiking use all your body weight to work against gravity. This resistance builds stronger muscles and bones, slowing mineral loss in the bones of your lower body.
A regular walking routine may reduce your risk for osteoporosis. Consider adding cross-training exercises that you perform standing up, such as walking, hiking, aerobics, yoga or stair climbing, to your cycling program.
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