Which is your favorite fast food chain? What is your favorite fast food meal item?

Similar questions: favorite fast food chain meal item.

Subway Subway is the only generally-available fast-food restaurant where vegetables are a regular part of the meal. I was really grateful when they added cucumbers, since the tomatoes are usually pathetic. On occasional, I'll just have a roll with the vegetables (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot, maybe jalapeno and/or olives) on it, though most of the time I'll have some sort of meat.

I think it greatly improved when it followed Quizno's lead by adding the ability to toast the bread. It would be even better if they used bread that was actually worth eating, like at Panera, but failing that toasting the bread makes tolerable. Not to mention that it makes food hot.

Sandwiches are good, but most of the time I prefer hot food to cold food. It's best when things move relatively quickly. I actually have a fondness for McDonald's, but the food is terrible and the only advantage is that it's supposed to be FAST food.

I've never understood the concept of waiting in line at McDonald's. That's because I'm very impatient. I suppose I prefer to eat actually sitting down, with a friend or a book, but I rarely do.

I mostly want to be given something to eat fast while I'm on my way to the next thing. It's quite a feat to eat a big messy Subway sandwich while driving (and a stick shift no less) but I've been doing it so long that it happens by magic. I suspect I temporarily grow a third hand.In pursuit of that impatience I'll usually go inside a fast food joint.

If the drive through is empty I'll take it, but if there's a line outside and none inside it's faster for me to park. But if it looks like I'm going to get stuck behind some interminable order I want the option to give up..

McDonald's I want a cheeseburger (actually, as long as there is a good toy, I want a cheeseburger happy meal, but my favorite item there is the cheeseburger). I know it is basically the worst food on earth, but I can't help it! Sometimes I just have to have a cheeseburger from McDonalds!

I usually order inside, but eat elsewhere.

Taco Bueno I love the Mexi Dip and Chip. It features chips and three dips - bean, guacamole, and queso. It's great for a little snack or lunch.

I usually driv thru but only about once a month. Love my tex-mex! Txteacher's Recommendations T-SHIRT WHITE " LOVE TEX-MEX " CAPS BLACK EMBROIDERY " I LOVE TEX-MEX CLASSIC " .

Thanks to the relative anonymity of the 'net, I will anser this. I think my favorite is McDonalds and they beat out Burger King ONLY because of the french fries. That's such a sad commentary on my life.

I think my favorite meal item from McDonalds is the french fries. If I have to pick a sandwich, I would say the quarter pounder with cheese. From Burger King, my favorite is the Bacon Double Cheeseburger with only cheese and bacon.

Zanie's Recommendations Super Size Me Amazon List Price: $14.94 Used from: $5.57 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 428 reviews) Big Mac attack: an interview with Morgan Spurlock.(Q&A)(Interview) : An article from: Curriculum Review Amazon List Price: $5.95 Must-view movie. I stopped eating at the Golden Arches after viewing this movie. Doesn't mean I don't still crave it though..

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Name as many fast food restaurants as you can!

Did you ever wish there where a predator drone flying over your favorite fast food joint prepared to launch a hellfire.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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