If you're looking for poker tournaments in Las Vegas, you need to be mindful of the tours going on, and what kind of buy-in you are looking for. The WPT, NAPT, and WSOP are all usually holding tournaments somewhere in Vegas, and they shouldn't be hard to find. During the summer, the WSOP is in full stride, and there are tournaments galore going on at the Rio, with buy-ins ranging from $1000 to $50000.
There will be upwards of 5 tournaments going on at once. If the WSOP is out of your price range I would suggest Ceasars Palace. They have daily tournaments with buy-ins ranging from $65 to $225.
If thats a little too cheap for you, Bellagio holds a $330 buy in tournament every Sunday through Thursday, and $540 on Friday and Saturday. They even hold sattelites for these tournaments that cost between $50 and $90. Of course every casino on the strip will be loaded with poker, with various tours and big name events coming through all the time.
Any casino you end up in will probably have a tournament starting within a few hours. Sin City is the place to be for a poker fan or pro, and big games and big action are never hard to find.
There are a couple of different types of tournaments. Daily tournaments and tournament series, like what you see on TV. For daily tournaments, as of right now, Caesers runs more dailies than anyone.
Check out allvegaspoker. Com for the daily schedules of all the casinos in Vegas. As for tournament series, the Bellagio and Caesars probably run the most events.
The Bellagio has more high buy-in events than anyone else (including multiple WPT events) and Caesars probably just edges out Venetian in number of series, just because of the NBC Heads Up Championship (not an open event) and World Series of Poker Circuit events. Caesars and Venetian often go head to head with their Megastack and Deepstack events. Check out http://www.cardplayer.com/poker-tournaments for a detailed list of what is happening when and where.
The best time of year for tournaments is during the World Series of Poker. During the summer while the WSOP is at the Rio, lots of other lower buy-in poker series are hosted around town. Caesers, Venetian, Golden Nugget, Binions hold the largest competing tournament series from late May to early July.
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