I did believe District 9 should have had more awards or being given more credit than it received. I've watched a few of the Oscar movies this year and out of all of them, I am waiting with baited breath to see if they do the sequel for D9 like it says at the end of the movie - he's coming back to help, he's going to rescue his people, he's going to stop the mnedical experiments. I want to see the next movie!
I want the story to continue...for me that's a huge plus over all the rest. Avatar was good but overly long, Up was also great, an inspirational movie that I really thought made people think.... District 9 is close to the bone in terms of social issues - racism, segregation, medical experiments, war mongering...it had everything to make me think...I believed the characters ( even the prawns hehehe ) the graphics were exceptional. For example did you notice the dust coming off the alien's feet when he ran, they were smaller and perfect for his pointed clawed foot, not the same as the human running right next to him.
I'm not into gory films but if they require it for the story then I accept what I'm seeing - in District 9 when it was pretty gory and messy it was realistic. It had substance. It meant something in the movie, it was not gratuitous....the alien mothership was a perfect piece of CGI, the costumes and artwork for the aliens was stunning!
Not many actors in the movie meant I could get to know the main lead really well, empathise with him..., the documentary style was so effective....like I said I just want to see the next installment. I want the prawns to come back and help him and rescue the others...... And I agree with other poster - the Coen Brothers movie was excellent - as always! They deserve more credit than they are given
District 9 should have won more but at least it was recognized with a best picture nomination. I think Paranormal Activity was ripped off, it received zero recognition this award season. It was a very well made film with no budget and two great performances by unknown actors.
I saw it early on in a packed theater and it was an amazing experience, People were just freaking out.
I'm not a big movie fan, and I didn't see most of the pictures that were nominated, but I disagree that Avatar should have taken all the awards. The visual effects were stunning, but the acting wasn't all that great, and to be honest, the story wasn't anything that unique. I was disappointed, no SHOCKED, that Sherlock Holmes didn't get more nominations.
I thought Robert Downey, Jr. was unbelievable in his interpretation of the somewhat mad Holmes. Maybe it was because they felt like he was copying what Johnny Depp did with Jack Sparrow, but I didn't feel that way. I saw some resemblances, but his work was still superb.
People expected a nomination there, but there is evidently still some prejudice against him and his bad boy ways. I don't agree with Sandra Bullock's win. I thought Gabourey Sidibe deserved the award, and I see great things in store for her one day, hopefully, if Hollywood will get away from thin, beautiful stars and let this girl shine.
I was happy that Monique won. Overall, I saw the same old same old ... winners based more on popularity and prejudice than performance. I felt like The Hurt Locker (which I admit I didn't see, and never will, because I don't watch war movies) was a political pick, not one based on it actually being the best movie.
I believe that "Precious" deserved that award. Now the man who is suing because he says it was based on his story will get more in his settlement, but that's all that is to be accomplished IMHO by glorifying war in any way.
The Coen Brothers' "A Serious Man" was both profound and funny. It received Top Ten awards from both the AFI and National Board of Review.
2012 should also have been nominated but I still prefer Avatar should win in most of categories.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.