I think the United States did better than many expected, being that soccer isn't huge in the country. The advancement to the round of 16 was amazing, given the fact that they lead for very small amount of time in any game. Just to get out of the group required some last minute heroics from Landon Donovan against Algeria.In prior games they had to come from two goals down at the to tie Slovenia on an 82nd minute goal by Michael Bradley.
Previous to that game, the United States played to an unexpected 1-1 draw against heavily favored England. The United States got help from England's goaltender Robert Green when he allowed a 25 yard shot by Clint Dempsey elude him for a goal. That doesn't minimize the play of the United States, who battled England and all other teams down to the last minute.
I agree with @bovandy and @kerryk, the United States team was quite impressive. Although the team is ranked as number fifteen in FIFA world ranking, most people, including me did not really expect them to that far. It was just like sending them to South Africa to have fun; and surprisingly they did pretty well.
I was also thrilled by Uruguay. I know they are one of the best soccer team in the world. But with a ranking of sixteen in FIFA’s list, I thought they would not do well at the group matches but I stand corrected now.
But my best team at the group stage of the world cup is still the Netherlands. It is obvious that those guys are walking on air. With their 100% scores at the group stage, I won’t be surprised if they take the cup home.
Maybe this is simply my lack of understanding of World Cup soccer, but I was most impressed by the United States Soccer Team. I really didn’t expect them to do all that much this, mainly because it doesn’t seem to me as if they ever do all that much when they go up against the world powers in soccer. I was obviously most impressed with the ‘’’way’’’ they advanced out of the group round with an extra time goal and a 1-0 win.
Clearly their goalkeeping has been extraordinary during this tournament and if they can just find a way to stir up some actual offense, they might have a real shot to go relatively far in this tournament. I’ve already heard some people comparing this team to the 1980 Olympic hockey team in that they have enough talent to upend some super powers if the chips fall right.
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