Which teams do you rank in the top 10 of all time? You don't have to pick teams from your era, any era will do. Why do you rank the teams as?

The Boston Celtics of the late 50's heading into the mid 60's have to be considered the best team of all time. This franchise won an unprecedented eight straight championships and eleven titles in the span of thirteen seasons. No team will ever come close to establishing this kind of dominance in the league again.

The next team on the list would have to be Los Angeles Lakers of the 1980's which earned the name "Showtime" lead by players such as Magic Johnson, James Worthy and Kareem Abdul Jabbar. The Lakers would win five championships during the 1980's and would be the first team to repeat as champions in over 20 years. Next on the list would be the Chicago Bulls who climbed the NBA's mountain top to capture the title six times in eight seasons (including two three-peats 1991-1993, 1996-1998).

The major catalysts that made the Bulls go were Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen; one of the most formidable duos the league has ever seen.

This is in no particular order… My top ten teams are 1. 1997 – 1998 Chicago Bulls (The most watched NBA championships series) 2. 1996 – 1997 Chicago Bulls (The Utah Jazz advanced to the NBA Finals for the first time but fell ambush to the Bulls) 3.2008 – 2009 Los Angeles Lakers (The latest NBA champion) 4.1966 – 1967Philadelphia 76ers (This is the year that ends the Celtics’ 8 titular winning streak) 5.1970 – 1971 – Los Angeles Lakers (The Lakers won this championships for the first time in Los Angeles and with the presence of Wilt Chamberlain) 6.1987 – 1988 – Los Angeles Lakers (The Lakers won this one with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Magic Johnson and James Worthy) 7.1988 – 1989 – Detroit Pistons (Wielded the upset axe on the favored Lakes team in just four games) 8.1985 – 1986 – The Boston Celtics (the Celtics won the championships with a very formidable lineup lead by the triumvirate of Robert Parish, Kevin McHale and Larry Bird) 9.1968 – 1969 – The Boston Celtics (the team won this one which is their 11th title and perhaps the last championships of the Celtic’s first dynasty).

10.2005– 2006 – Miami Heat (the team’s lone title with Dwayne Wade and Shaquille O’Neal).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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