Jason R. Manning .. Do we really 'know' that chemistry wanes with time? And what contributes to this waning?
I think you are exactly right in saying that you both have to be on the same path.
Reeltaulk .. I agree that the honest one is for sure.
KateWest ... Exactly ... it is a balance of both isn't it.
And akuigla ... I used to think that it was a lottery too but now I tend to disagree. Thank you for your opinion.
I think that we need to understand that love is not just a wonderful feeling. It is so much more than that. I think it is important to look to the past to see how the person has responded in stressful times and how they have treated us in those times.Do they respond to stress appropriately?
Do they admit when they have made a mistake? Do they truly listen to you? Are they completely honest with you?
Can you trust them 100% without having to think about it? Do you want the same things in life at the same time? Do you have similar morals and values?
How does the person respond in everyday situations? How do they relate to your family and friends? Do they have manners and use them?
Are they naturally kind? Are they responsible? Are they capable of giving you what you want in life?
Do you feel that you can talk about anything or are there things you must keep from them? And they from you?
The honest one.....it never fails! Chemistry is only built on what you give each other, what you want each other to see to keep the "relationship" going. Anything involving true friendship brings longevity as is forever written in stone.....Hands Down!
The love relationships that last the longest are ones in which both partners have become experts at.
1) Hearing, expressing and meeting each others core-relationship needs reciprocally.
2) Setting protective Boundaries i.e. Affair, flirt-proofing the relationship; and.
3) Sustaining realistic expectations about the true nature of a long term relationship as per steps 1 and 2.
My money is on the couple that is both deaf, dumb and blind...its much harder to argue...just kidding folks.
Chemistry is only as strong as the drive behind it, which we know wanes with time and our own changing bio-chemistry. Strong mutal respect, equal goals and an understanding of assisting one another to be the best they can be, this would be ideal. When any two mates start off in different directions, chemistry and friendship will not help.
You have to be on the same path. Just my 2 pennies. Cheers.
It really depends on the two of you. I had a stronger friendship than chemistry thing and that failed. But you can't rely on chemistry alone.
Somewhere is the perfect balance. Here's hoping!
There need to be a balance of both. If your relationship is based mostly on friendship, you wouldn't be in a relationship with that person.
If you can put up with cheating,disagreements,betrayals,jealously,kids ad all the other problems that exists in relationships for ten years,then you're home made. Good luck,you will need it.
Well I think strong friendship is required to make a relationship stronger & even if your chemistry does not match much, being in a long & strong friendship will change the things over.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.