Which vineyards offer tasting?

I love wine tasting, teadmkr. It’s relaxing, enjoyable, educational, and tasty! The main wine regions are Australia, California, Chile, China, Germany, South Africa, Spain, and Portugal.

I come from Northern California, where the wine country is located and vineyards line the hillsides. Napa Valley is popularly referred to as wine country and there are so many places to wine taste there! View their wine-tasting vineyards here: http://napavalley.com/wineries/.I used to live in Livermore, CA, which is a wine country of its own.

Wente Vineyards and Concannon are located there – vineyards that produce wines sold across the country. For more information on this area, see here: http://www.lvwine.org/.Southern California also produces wine, particularly in Temecula Valley. See their wineries here: http://www.temeculawines.org/.Of course I’ve come to learn that wine isn’t only produced in California!

Now I live in Virginia and I’ve found there are vineyards all over these hills as well! So it really depends on where you live, where you’re traveling, and where you’d like to taste wine.(View Virginia wineries here: http://virginia.winecountry.com/wineries/). To explore wine regions in California, Virginia, and Washington: http://www.winecountry.com/regions/.

There are even wine-tasting events in Albuquerque, New Mexico! http://albuquerque.about.com/od/fooddrink/tp/AlbuquerqueWineTastingRooms.htm To find local wine events by city, check out LocalWineEvents. Com!

They have over 303,000 events listed and you can search by location: http://www.localwineevents.com/events/#city.And just a thought, you can always buy wines from around the world and have a wine tasting party at your home! It’s a great way to explore different wines. You can use the video below for guidance on how to taste and compare notes with your friends!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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