Which would you say you let lead you; the passion of your heart or the logic of your mind?

Most of the important decisions I have taken in life were taken with all of the passion I had inside.

I follow my heart always, even if I know this could get ugly. I'm a risk taker, using logic when I have to solve a problem, because things got ugly.

I want to FEEL alive instead of THINK how to prevend myself from falling. I always find my way back, by my passionate believe, life is worth living.

I take both into account. It depends on what the issue is at the time. Business wise I always follow logic.

Emotionally I tend to follow my heart.

I had a security business for 18 years along with another business I was running at the time. I was also bringing up two babies at the same time and on my own.

Logic has to take control I believe even when your heart is telling you otherwise.

For me it is a combination of both, but more importantly I follow the guidance of God and .

I think it all depends on the situation and the potential impact on yourself and others.

It has to be a fair share of both though, otherwise you can end up with problems..

The passion of my heart leads me. Logic is of the mind but core truth comes straight from the heart. The mind likes to over analyze and pick apart.

The heart already knows the answer. Once we can still the mind and reach inward the best way is always found. When we exist in our heart center we automatically align with our higher awareness.

Great thoughts first thing in the morning! Thanks for this.

My heart gets me into trouble, so I try to listen with my mind and follow logic. There are some things in life a person should not overlook just because their heart is telling them something different. That is a recipe for disaster.

Using my logic keeps me out of compromising situations and drama.

I'd say that primarily logic, but there are always situation where my heart will veto my head.

I would prefer the combination of both - my heart and my mind.

I think it is a balance of the two. A person can be passionately wrong about something, and make a mistake while thinking they are doing the right thing. Basing actions solely on logic can be cold and calculating and without the passion, again be wrong.

Best to find a balance of the two as a whole person. Finding the balance is called experience.

What is in your heart is the spirit of man. The mind, will and emotions is the soul of a man. The way I see it is, my child came into this world not knowing anything.

He looks to his parents for food, shelter, provision, and guidance. He has no idea the perils that the world has for him without those things in place and does quickly learn to stay close to home to be safe. Even animals know to do this; however, we know animals have died in the hierarchy of the jungle - oddly enough this is also true with human life.

Nevertheless, humans think one way as a child and completely different as adults. That which I believed as a teen is completely different int he way I think now. Therefore, my mind, will and emotions will change.My heart is steadfast in the principles of Christianity.

Trusting in the only God that created all. Seeing that He knows all and sees all, it would be to my best interest in trusting in I can only do that with my heart.

It's always been my head. Never love with your heart, they say.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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