Who answers all these questions on WikiAnswers?

Everyone! Anyone can share their knowledge or ask questions on WikiAnswers. That's what makes it a WIKI.

If you know the answer to an unanswered question, you can share it. If you see an answer that you can expand on, you can edit it. If you see an answer that's just flat-out incorrect, you can update it.

We encourage users to research answers thoroughly and to share links (see the menu on the left "Add related links") so others can verify the sources More takes from WikiAnswers contributors: It could be anyone at all, even your next door neighbor. WikiAnswers is a collaborative effort. There are many people working out the answers here at the site.

Your question was answered by a WikiSupervisor who happened to see it Join the effort! Cruise a category that interests you and find a question you know something about. Everyone is an expert on something... find your category Users do.

That is the beauty of this site. We ask our own questions and answer those of each other. It is a fairly easy way to share information.

Now, since this is composed of user-generated content, you can't be sure that every single answer is true. This site is not a substitute for research, but it is a good and helpful place to start The community of everyday people like you and me here on WikiAnswers answers the questions. You will need to sign up if you want to answer questions yourself Any contributor can come to WikiAnswers and browse questions.

If they know the answer, they can answer it Some people research their answers, just like me. I sometimes know the answer too And there are people that work in the field, have hobbies and life experiences and read a lot. Everyone has something useful to contribute WikiAnswers is a site where you and anyone who's willing to help out can join efforts and write answers to the questions If the person who answered a question is a registered user, you'll be able to see who answered (and award them a trust point -- if they have earned it, of course) Other people who want to be helpful, like me Anyone can answer or improve any question on WikiAnswers Anybody!

You can contribute any knowledge you have to help answer other people's questions. Are you a mechanic who likes music and studying European history? Are you a pet owner looking to start your own business?

Different people answer different questions. I try to answer as many questions as I can in the time I spend on WikiAnswers Anyone who visits can ask questions, and also can answer questions. We are ordinary people from many different countries; most of the regulars have become addicted to the site because it is so much fun to find questions to answer, and to interact with others who come to visit.

We are not paid, and we are not recruited. There may be some people connected with support or site development who get compensation of some kind; I don't really know for sure. We were talking about a possible conference at some time; I think that idea is on the back burner at this point Lots of people answer the questions on WikiAnswers.

That's what a "wiki" is all about Answers are collaboratively written by volunteers in the spirit of growing information for the public good. All users are invited to answer questions or improve existing answers. Supervisors on the site edit the answers when necessary to improve spelling, grammar, and content (when improper) People who are nice and know the answer!

Yes, I am just an everyday person that tries to find answers for people like you! The answers come from humans like you. There are no computers involved in answering the questions.So since humans answer the questions, that means you can answer them too.

All of the answers come from people like you and everyone else. So that means anyone can add or make answers to the questions All registered and unregistered users from around the world write the answers on WikiAnswers.Com Yes. That's the whole idea.

The more people we have involved, the more answers we will have Any registered member can submit an answer. Most answers are either things the answerer already knows, or can be found easily elsewhere on the Internet People who go to ask a question and then find a question they can answer - in other words, anyone! WikiAnswers is "authored" by its community of users.

As WikiAnswers contributors, we ask and answer each other's questions. You might say this: "We - the people of the Internet - are the authors of this site. " Most of the users of WikiAnswers are dedicated to building and improving the site Different people with different interests.

I'm sitting at home, eating some soup and answering the questions that interest me Answers are written by generous individuals like you and me, who volunteer their time in an effort to facilitate the learning experience WikiAnswers gets its answers by people like you and me answering them. I just answered this question by looking for an unanswered question, and this popped up so I answered it WA gets its answers from contributors around the world. They may be an expert or specialist in an area of knowledge; they might be a general genius willing to share anything and everything they know; or they might be the average person on the street with access to the Internet and some vague idea of what the right answer to a question is.

Some answers are researched thoroughly in order to get the most correct information possible; others are just a quick note made by someone who watched a documentary once The answers come from contributors (with and without accounts) who have the knowledge to answer your question. WikiAnswers has contributors from all over the world share their knowledge on WikiAnswers by having them answer questions Other people on WikiAnswers and members who really know how to change and/or improve an answer Lots of different people do Anyone who wants to. It is the Wiki way Contributors from various countries all over the world The participants answer the questions.

Anyone can enter or edit an answer. This allows people to provide different viewpoints, provide different references and share personal experiences. That is why it is such a valuable tool The members of this community, like you and me, are the ones who answer the questions.

No one is forced to answer the questions.It is done on a voluntary basis and people are free to answer as many questions as they like People who know the answers just write the answers - like I just did, answering this question The questions on WikiAnswers are answered by others who come to the website. Some of them may be people who actually know the answers, or who take the time to look them up, while others are just kids who think typing silly stuff in as answers is a fun thing to do, not realizing the problem that causes for others who are looking for real answers The users on WikiAnswers do People who sign up like me. Anyone can do it!

Contributors from all over the world. In many cases the answers are provided by professionals or people who are interested in the topic. Check the bio pages for contributors to see who they are and what their area of expertise is A lot of different people do My son does - for homework!

This site is a Wiki. As such, anyone who comes to the site is free to submit questions and answers, or to edit material left by others. There are millions of individuals who visit WikiAnswers, and probably millions of individuals have made contributions to the answers you find here WikiAnswers get its answers from contributors who, in turn, get their answers from either experience or research Anybody who wants to.

This site is largely "staffed" by volunteers all over the world Everyone WikiAnswers users answer questions, as I am right now Anybody who knows the answer to the question The members of WikiAnswers answer all the questions; I guess that some people are just knowledgeable & know things Since this a community site, people are constantly asking their own questions and answering other people's. We are all sharing of our knowledge and opinions on basically any topic Members of the public who happen to run cross your question and know the answer to it Anyone that accesses the website is able to answer a question. In the case that users have information they wish to share, they are able to add or improve upon the answer.

The users here are from different countries, of different ages and have varying degrees of experience, knowledge and personal points of view. Some users have specific knowledge, e.g. , professionals who work in a specific industry, or students who study particular courses. And there is everyone else who takes the time to answer (or improve upon) various questions on the WikiAnswers site Anyone who feels called to do it.

If the answers are spam or are wrong we try to fix it People who have seen the site, members who have signed up and the Supervisors Volunteers may have education in a specific area, or a question may be on a subject they enjoy. Some volunteers are professionals, or answer questions that pertain to their daily work. And contributors are good at doing research online or off-line.

Other contributors simply have life experience and accumulated knowledge, which gives them a wide area of personal knowledge Other users on WikiAnswers are free to answer any question. Anyone can ask or answer anyone's questions. That's what puts the "wiki" in "WikiAnswers Many different users are giving the answers.

There are even some unregistered users who answer questions. If they are a registered user, you can see their credit at the bottom of their answer to a question, and when you click on their name, it should lead to their profile. If it is an unregistered user, it should display a number, for example, 222.543.662.46 (not a real IP).

That is how you know who is giving the answer to any particular question Any random person could be answering your questions. If you look under an answer, it tells you who posted it Hundreds and hundreds of users! WikiAnswers operates using the wiki concept.

This means that anybody is able to contribute, without even having to create an account! Questions are answered mainly by generous contributors in the online community, as well as by the full-time WikiAnswers staff Many people can answer this question. Many people can edit or alter it.

A good answer can be abused by a "vandal" and altered. This is the Wiki way The greater the number of "trust points" the answerer has, the more likely the answer is correct - as best as the answerer knows Average people from all walks of life. This site is for all people to ask questions and also answer questions that they feel they have knowledge in.

There are a lot of questions out there that need answering and there are a lot of people that have the answers. Hopefully someone that has information about your question will see it and give you an answer. Like I just did Anybody and everybody.

Think of it like asking the guy up the street or the class swot. There's a world of experience out there and you get to tap in to it. Of course, subjective questions get subjective answers and those opinions and ideas should be evaluated accordingly The community writes them.

That includes me, possibly you, and of course thousands of other people with knowledge about the questions asked The answers to the questions on WikiAnswers are provided largely by members of the community (and some by WikiAnswers staff) Anyone with access to a computer could be writing answers to questions on WikiAnswers People who have seen the site; members who have signed up; and the Supervisors Various people are answering all of the questions on the site Many people can answer this question. Many people can edit or alter it. A good answer can be abused by a "vandal" and altered.

This is the Wiki way The greater the "trust point" the more likely the answer is correct as best as the answerer knows.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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