Who are the Serbs?

Srbi) are a south Slavic people who live mainly in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and, to a lesser extent, in Croatia. There is a sizable Serbian diaspora in Western Europe (predominantly concentrated in Germany, Switzerland and Austria), as well as in the United States and Canada Contribution to Humanity Serbs have played a significant role in the development of the arts and sciences. Prominent individuals include the scientists Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin, Jovan Cviji?

And Milutin Milankovi? ; the renowned mathematicians Jovan Karamata, Mihailo Petrovi? , and?

Uro Kurepa; the famous composers Stevan Mokranjac and Stevan Hristi? ; the celebrated authors Ivo Andri? , Borislav Peki?

, and Miloš Crnjanski; the prolific inventor Ogneslav Kostovi? Stepanovi? ; the polymath?

Ura Jakši? ; the famous sports stars Vlade Divac and Pe? A Stojakovi?

; actor Karl Malden (Mladen Sekulovich) and the actress Mila Jovovi? (half Serbian). The Serb ruler during the middle ages (see List of Serbian rulers) Stephen Nemanja and his son, Saint Sava founded the monastery of landar for the Serbian Orthodox Church, one of the greatest and oldest Orthodox Christian monuments in the world The mother of the last (Eastern) Roman Emperor Constantine XI Paleologos Dragases was Serbian princess Helena Dragash (Jelena Dragaš), and she liked to be known by her Serbian surname of Dragaš According to the National Enquirer, author Ian Fleming patterned James Bond after Dusko Popov, a Serbian double agent nicknamed Tricycle Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, precipitating the crisis that led to World War I Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, himself a Russian, composed the Slavonic March (Marche Slave) in 1876 known at first as the “Serbo-Russian March” based on Serbian folk melody “Come, my Dearest, why So Sad this Morning?

” For more famous Serbs, see List of Serbs edit Language Most Serbs speak the Serbian language, a member of the South Slavic group of languages. While the Serbian identity is to some extent linguistic, apart from the Cyrillic alphabet which they use along with Latin alphabet, the language is very similar to the standard Croatian and Bosnian (see Differences in standard Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian) and some linguists still consider it part of the common Serbo-Croatian language There are several variants of Serbian language. The older forms of Serbian are Old Serbian and Russo-Serbian, a version of the Church Slavonic language Some members of the Serbian diaspora do not speak the language (mostly in the US, Canada and UK) but are still considered Serbs by ethnic origin or descent Non-Serbs who studied the Serbian language include such prominent individuals as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and J.

R. R. Tolkien; see list of Serbian language speakers, learners, etc edit Surnames Most Serbian surnames have the surname suffix -i?

(IPA: /itj/, Cyrillic: -? ). This is often transcribed as -ic.

In history, Serbian names have often been transcribed with a phonetic ending, -ich or -itch. This form is often associated with Serbs from before the early 20th century: hence Milutin Milankovi? Is usually referred to, for historical reasons, as Milutin Milankovitch The -i?

Suffix is a Slavic diminutive, originally functioning to create patronymics. Thus the surname Petri? Signifies little Petar, as does, for example, a common prefix Mac ("son of") in Scottish and O' in Irish names.

It is estimated that some two thirds of all Serbian surnames end in -i? But that some 80% of Serbs carry such a surname with many common names being spread out among tens and even hundreds of non-related extended families Other common surname suffixes are -ov or -in which is the Slavic possessive case suffix, thus Nikola's son becomes Nikolin, Petar's son Petrov, and Jovan's son Jovanov. The two suffixes are often combined The most common surnames are Nikoli?

, Petrovi? , and Jovanovi? Edit Religion Orthodox Christianity and the Serbian Orthodox Church have played a significant role in formation of Serbian identity.

Conversion of south Slavs from paganism to Christianity took place before the Great Schism, the split between the Byzantine East and the Roman Catholic West. After the Schism, those who lived under the Orthodox sphere of influence became Orthodox and those who lived under the Catholic sphere of influence became Catholic. Later, with the arrival of the Ottoman Empire, many Slavs, especially in Bosnia converted to Islam.

Some ethnologists consider that the distinct Serb, Croatian and Bosniak identities are drawn from religion rather than ethnicity. Other ethnologists (along with many nationalists) disagree, stating that the three nations have distinct ethnic roots and that the religion was a result rather than the cause of distinct ethnic identities. Citation needed edit Symbols Serbian people's flag Small coat of arms of Serbia The Serbian flag is a red-blue-white tricolour.

It is often combined with one or both of the other Serb symbols The white two-headed eagle was the coat of arms of the House of Nemanji?. The Serbian cross. If displayed on a field, traditionally it is on red field, but could be used with no field at all.

Both the eagle and the cross, besides being the basis for various Serbian coats of arms through history, are bases for the symbols of various Serbian organisations, political parties, institutions and companies Serbian folk attire varies, mostly because of the very diverse geography and climate of the territory inhabited by the Serbs. Some parts of it are, however, common: A traditional shoe that is called the opanak.It is recognisable by its distinctive tips that spiral backward. Each region of Serbia has a different kind of tips.

A traditional hat that is called the šajka? A.It is easily recognisable by its top part that looks like the letter V or like the bottom of a boat (viewed from above), after which it got its name. It gained wide popularity in the early 20th century as it was the hat of the Serbian army in the First World War.

It is still worn everyday by some villagers today, and it was a common item of headgear among Bosnian Serb military commanders during the Bosnian War in the 1990s. However, "šajka? A" is common mostly for the Serbian population living in the region of Central Serbia (Šumadija), while Serbs living in Vojvodina, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia had different types of traditional hats, which are not similar to "šajka?

A". Different types of traditional hats could be also found in eastern and southern parts of Central Serbia. Edit Customs Serbian bagpiper in traditional attire wearing opanci and šajka?a.

The Serbs are a highly family-oriented society. A peek into a Serbian dictionary and the richness of their terminology related to kinship speaks volumes Of all Slavs and Orthodox Christians, only Serbs have the custom of slava. The custom could also be found among some Russians and Albanians of Serbian origin although it has often been lost in the last century.

Slava is celebration of a saint; unlike most customs that are common for the whole people, each family separately celebrates its own saint (of course, there is a lot of overlap) who is considered its protector. A slava is inherited from father to son and each household may only have one celebration which means that the occasion brings all of the family together Though a lot of old customs are now no longer practised, many of the customs that surround Serbian wedding still are The traditional Serbian dance is a circle dance called kolo. It is a collective dance, where a group of people (usually several dozen, at the very least three) hold each other by the hands or around the waist dancing, forming a circle (hence the name), semicircle or spiral.

The same dance, with the same name, is also traditional among the Croats. Similar circle dances also exist in other cultures of the region Serbs have their own customs regarding Christmas. The Serbian Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar, so Christmas currently falls on January 7 of the Gregorian calendar.

Early in the morning of Christmas Eve, the head of the family would go to a forest in order to cut badnjak, a young oak, the oaktree would then be brought into the church to be blessed by the priest. Then the oaktree would be stripped of its branches with combined with wheat and other grain products would be burned in the fireplace. The burning of the badnjak is a ritual which is most certainly of pagan origin and it is considered a sacrifice to God (or the old pagan gods) so that the coming year may bring plenty of food, happiness, love, luck and riches.

Nowadays, with most Serbs living in towns, most simply go to their church service to be given a small parcel of oak, wheat and other branches tied together to be taken home and set afire. The house floor and church is covered with hay, reminding worshippers of the stable in which Jesus was born Christmas Day itself is celebrated with a feast, necessarily featuring roasted piglet as the main meal. Another Christmas meal is a deliciously sweet cake made of wheat, called koljivo whose consumption is more for ritual than nourishment.

One crosses oneself first, then takes a spoonful of the cake and savours it. But the most important Christmas meal is? Esnica, a special kind of bread.

The bread contains a coin; during the lunch, the family breaks up the bread and the one who finds the coin is said to be assured of an especially happy year Christmas is not associated with presents like in the West, although it is the day of St Nicolas, the protector saint of children, to whom presents are given. However, most Serbian families give presents on New Year's Day. Santa Claus (Deda Mraz (literally meaning grandpa frost)) and the Christmas tree (but rather associated with New Year's Day) are also used in Serbia as result of globalization.

Serbs also celebrate the Orthodox New Year (currently on January 14th of the Gregorian Calendar) Religious Serbs also celebrate other religious holidays and even non-religious people often celebrate Easter (on the Orthodox date) For Serbian meals, see Serbian cuisine edit Name The etymology of the word "Serb" (root: Srb) is not known. Numerous theories exist, but none can be said to be certain or even probable: Some say that the name comes from saborac, meaning "co-fighter. " This could make sense but the words are too dissimilar.

It is possible that saborac comes from sebar (that sebar sometimes meant "co-fighter"), which would make this theory more interesting, but there is not much basis for this claim either. Some believe that the name is of Sarmatian/Iranian origin. From which particular word it derives is unclear.

However, one theory suggests it derives from the word "Sarv" which means "cypress" tree. Some 2 believe that the name comes from srkati, meaning "to suck in", referring to people so closely united as if they share mother's milk. Also, others argue that all Slavs originally called themselves Serbs, and that Serbs (and Sorbs) are simply the last Slavs who retained the name.

If this is true, it still fails to explain the origin of the Slavic name (most of the above may apply). There is also theory that name Serbs derived from the Caucasian word "ser", which means "man". However, one thing is certain: the name is very old.

It is clearly a self-identification and not a given name as its root cannot be found in western European languages It is interesting that the etymology of the name of the Croats (root: Hrv) is also unknown. Some suggest that the names actually originate from the same root: indeed, the roots are distinctly similar (Srb/Hrv). However, it is not known whether this is merely coincidental or indicative of a common origin Regardless of the origin, the age and rarity of the name allows for certain historical conclusions based partly on it (for example, see Gordoservon) Vlachs words "srb om" means wild man.

In example, "srb mc" means wild cat. Since Serbs were newcomers to Vlach's people, with different culture, it is possible that they were recognized as wild edit story Main article: story of Serbs See also: Theories on the origin of Serbs, story of Serbs in Vojvodina, story of Serbs in Kosovo, story of Croatian Serbs, story of Serbia The tribal designation Serboi first appears in the 1st century in the works of the Tacitus (ca. 50 AD) and Pliny (69-75 AD), and also in the 2nd century in the Geography of Ptolemy (book 5, 9.21) to designate a tribe dwelling in Sarmatia, probably on the Lower Volga River The Slavs (including Serbs) came to the Balkans from a broad region in central and eastern Europe, which extended from the rivers Elbe in the west to the Dnieper in the east and from a point which touched the Carpathian mountains in the south and the river Niemen in the north. Different tribes settled in different parts of the Balkan peninsula, subsequently developing their distinct identities after displacing the Romanized Vlach population which already was in the area.

The Balkan Vlachs were descendants of Romanized Thracians, Dacians and the Illyrians, and during the history these Vlachs mixed with Slavic tribes, thus present-day Slavic nations of the Balkans, including Serbs, have both, Slavic and Vlach (Illyrian, Thracian, ect.) ancestors Serb-reigned lands during the 9th century, mostly according to De Administrando ImperioThe Serb settlement in the Balkans appears to have taken place between 610 and 640. The first certain data on the state of the Serboi, Serbia, dates to the 9th century. The Serbs were Christianized in several waves between the 7th and 9th century with the last wave taking place between 867 and 874 During and after that period, Serbs struggled to gain independence from the Byzantine.

The first Serb states were Rascia or Raška and Zeta. Their rulers had a varying degree of autonomy, until virtual independence was achieved under Saint Sava, who became the first head of the Serb Orthodox Church and his brother Stefan Prvoven? Ani of Serbia, who became the first Serb king.

Serbia did not exist as a state of that name but was, rather, the region inhabited by the Serbs; its kings and tsars were called the "King of the Serbs" or "Tsar of the Serbs", not "King of Serbia" or "Tsar of Serbia". The medieval Serbian state is nonetheless often (if anachronistically) referred to as "Serbia Serbia reached its golden age under the House of Nemanji? , with the Serbian state reaching its apogee of power in the reign of Tsar Stefan Uroš Dušan.

Serbia's power subsequently dwindled amid interminable conflict between the nobility, rendering the country unable to resist the steady incursion of the Ottoman Empire into south-eastern Europe. The Battle of Kosovo in 1389 is commonly regarded in Serbian national mythology as the key event in the country's defeat by the Turks, although in fact Ottoman rule was not fully imposed until some time later. After Serbia fell, Tvrtko Kotromani?

The king of Bosnia used the title of "King of Bosnia, the Serbs, the West-ends and the Primorje" from 1389 to 1390 As Christians, the Serbs were regarded as a "protected people" under Ottoman law but in practice were treated as second-class citizens and often harshly treated. They were subjected to considerable pressure to convert to Islam; some did, while others migrated to the north and west, to seek refuge in Habsburg Monarchy.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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