Who died on the 15th may 2006?

David Sharp George Crile III Bobby Jack Fowler Joyce Ballantyne Judith Moore Chic Hecht George Blackburn Cheikha Rimitti David Sharp Paul Marco James Botten Eberhard Esche William Henderson George Blackburn Nizar Abdul Zahra.

James Botten James Thomas 'Jackie' Botten (born June 21, 1938, Pretoria, Transvaal - died May 15, 2006), the former South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests in 1965 wikipedia Eberhard Esche Eberhard Esche, the actor from the former East Germany wikipedia William Henderson William James Henderson OBE (13 October 1916 - 15 May 2006), the Liberal party member of the Canadian House of Commons wikipedia George Blackburn George Edward "Blackie" Blackburn, the American football player, coach, and scout wikipedia Nizar Abdul Zahra Nizar Abdul Zahra Khalaf, nicknamed, the Iraqi footballer who played forward wikipedia.

Paul-Henri-Benjamin d'Estournelles de Constant Emanuel Reicher Ed Swartwood Charles Beautron Major Tommy Smyth.

William John Locke William T. Jeter Alfred Fry.

Arthur Foljambe Law Adam Bertram Fox Hayes Ulrich Grauert William Lackey Cecil William Kaye.

Bob Edwards Arthur Harding Miguel Abadía Méndez John Arledge Charles Sindelar Thomas Henry Holland.

Gordon Prange Þorsteinn Pálsson Marion Frederic Ramirez de Arellano Len Lye Jóhann Hafstein Gordon E. Sawyer John Somers Dines Milton Parsons Hermann Flade.

Elio de Angelis Theodore White Theodore H. White John F. Bassett Johnny Gottselig Luis Torres Nadal John Bassett Willie Telfer Rose Lokissim.

Lescu Jim Fyffe Rob Kling Jan Remmelink Stanley B. Kimball Desmond Dreyer D. Bernard Amos Benedict Jablonski Rune Waldekranz Stanley W.

Holmquist Len McCankie Pedro Chappe Garcia Gaby Robert.

Rune Waldekranz Rune Waldekranz, the Swedish film producer wikipedia Stanley W. Holmquist Stanley W. Holmquist (1905 - 2003), the lutheran, educated at University of Minnesota wikipedia Len McCankie Len McCankie, the Australian rules footballer who played with Footscray in the Victorian Football League during the 1940s wikipedia Pedro Chappe Garcia Pedro Chappé García (born June 16, 1945), the former basketball player from Cuba, who won the bronze medal with the men's national team at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany Gaby Robert Gabriel "Gaby" Robert, the French former footballer and coach wikipedia.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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