Ek Oskar Sala David Hoare Helen Megaw Tony Young.
Quentin Keynes Jaime Ramírez Othar Turner Christian Goethals George Rice Brian Evans Antoni Torres Harold Amos.
William F. Buckley Buddy Miles Sibnarayan Ray Speedy Haworth Tyronne Fernando Dick Fletcher Dan Shomron Elizabeth Harrison Hamed Zidan William Docker Browning John Yates Cabral Ferreira Glory Mukwati Robert Kraichnan Charlie Ryan Umanji Bodil Udsen Jimmy Dugdale.
John Yates John Yates (17 April 1925-26 February 2008), the Anglican clergyman wikipedia Cabral Ferreira Cabral Ferreira (died 2008-02-26), the Portuguese president of the C.F. Os Belenenses soccer club from April 2005 until 2008 wikipedia Glory Mukwati Glory Mukwati (died February 26 2008), the Zimbabwean politician wikipedia Robert Kraichnan Robert Kraichnan (1928-2008), the American theoretical physicist who made seminal contributions to the theory of turbulence wikipedia Charlie Ryan Charles "Charlie" Ryan (born December 19, 1915, Graceville, Minnesota; died February 16, 2008, Spokane, Washington), the American singer and songwriter, best known for co-writing and first recording the rockabilly hit single Hot Rod Lincoln website wikipedia Umanji Umanji (born Maruti Johannes Nkuna, c. 1968 - February 26 2008), the South African musician and singer-songwriter wikipedia Bodil Udsen Bodil Udsen (January 12 1925), the Danish actress wikipedia Jimmy Dugdale James "Jimmy" Dugdale (born ), the former English professional footballer who is best known for his career with Aston Villa wikipedia.
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