The annual Grammy Awards started way back on 1959 (May 4th 1959 to be exact) to award the previous’ years musical achievement by various performers. Because of Grammys history, the current artists with most Grammy Awards came from earlier years.
He is a classical recording artist and an orchestral and operatic conductor. From 1969 to 1991, he led Chicago Symphony Orchestra, a musical group which actually has 60 wins in total. Next on the list with most Grammy nods is Quincy Jones with 27 awards.
He was noted for producing Michael Jackson’s album Thriller which sold 60 - 110 million copies worldwide. The third and the female artist with most Grammy wins is Alison Krauss. She started early in the music industry and is already recording an album when she’s fourteen.
She is a blue-grass country singer and songwriter. Those are the top three solo artists with the most Grammy Awards. For bands, the Irish rock band U2 holds the most Grammys.In total, U2 has 22 Grammy Awards.
A famous Hungarian composer by the name of Georg Solti has the most Grammy award wins in history with a total of 31. But he's also listed as having played a role in another 7 Grammy wins. He was nominated a total of 78 times.
He also received the rarest honor at the Grammy's, The Lifetime Achievement Award. According to wikipedia Solti is: "widely regarded as one of the greatest conductors of the second half of the 20th known for leading the Chicago Symphony Orchestra from 1969-91. " ( The American musician and producer Quincy Jones is tied with American Bluegrass-Country singer Allison Kraus for the second most Grammy wins.
They have both won an impressive total of 27. Jones was nominated 79 times at the Grammys, and has also won the coveted Legend Award. He is best known for producing some of the highest-selling records of all-time, including Thriller by Michael Jackson.
Kraus, has also received a special Recording Academy (which present the Grammys) musical achievement honor in 2005.
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