Who is liable if an insured car is hit into a parked car and the car that hit the insured car into the parked car gets away?

If a car is parked (so it wasnt moving, standing still), the other car is in fault.

In this situation, you should get the contact and insurance information of the other drivers, and then inform their insurance companies of the damage to your car. The police ultimately determine who is at fault, and the insurers will make the determination based on the findings by police and their own inquiries. If your own car insurance is limited to liability coverage, then your policy will not pay for the damage to your car.

Liability coverage pays only for damage you do to others when you cause an accident. Let Insure.com help you find affordable car insurance now. In order for your insurance to pay for damage to your vehicle in this case, you'd need collision coverage.

Collision coverage, as you know, is optional.

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