Who is next in line to the throne after Queen Elizabeth dies?

Being the eldest son of the Queen, Prince Charles is the next in line for the throne.

Should he abdicate the throne (as some dailymail.co.uk/news/article-508366/Char... vague rumors insinuate he might), then the line of succession goes as follows: 2. Prince William of Wales 3.

Prince Henry of Wales (both of the above being the only children of Queen Elizabeth's eldest son) 4. Prince Andrew, Duke of York (being the 2nd son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip) 5. Princess Beatrice of York 6.

Princess Eugenie of York (both being the only children of Queen Elizabeth's second-eldest son) *BOTH PRINCESSES SHOWN IN PHOTO BELOW*

7. Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex (being Queen Elizabeth's third son) 8. James, Viscount Severn 9.

Lady Louise of Windsor (being the only children of Queen Elizabeth's third-eldest son) 10. Princess Anne, Princess Royal (being Queen Elizabeth's 2nd child, and only daughter) *PHOTO BELOW*

11. Peter Phillips 12.

Zara Phillips (being the only children of Queen Elizabeth's only daughter) 13. David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley (being the only son of Princess Margaret, younger deceased sister of Queen Elizabeth) 14. Hon.

Charles Armstrong-Jones (being the only grandson of Princess Margaret's only son) 15. Hon. Margarita Armstrong-Jones (being the only granddaughter of Princess Margaret's only son) ...and on and on it goes, through Princess Margaret's daughter, Lady Sarah Chatto and her children, then on to Queen Elizabeth's cousin, Prince Richard and his children, then to Queen Elizabeth's other cousin, Prince Edward and his children, and so on.At least 100 people can be named in line to the throne--#100 being Prince George of Yugoslavia.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now who do I THINK should receive the crown after Lizzie? I think Charles should have his shot. God knows he's been waiting long enough.

But I will truly be in awe to see Prince William wear the crown. He, I think, will be an inspirational and amazing King.

The next 10 line of succession to the British throne 1. HRH The Prince of Wales B (The Prince Charles; be 1948), son of Queen Elizabeth II 2. HRH Prince William of Wales B (b 1982), son of The Prince of Wales 3.

HRH Prince Henry of Wales B (b 1984), son of The Prince of Wales 4. HRH The Duke of York B (The Prince Andrew; be 1960), son of Queen Elizabeth II 5. HRH Princess Beatrice of York B (b 1988), daughter of The Duke of York 6.

HRH Princess Eugenie of York B (b 1990), daughter of The Duke of York 7. HRH The Earl of Wessex B (The Prince Edward; be 1964), son of Queen Elizabeth II 8. James, Viscount Severn B (b 2007), son of The Earl of Wessex 9.

Lady Louise Windsor B (b 2003), daughter of The Earl of Wessex 10. HRH The Princess Royal B (The Princess Anne; be 1950), daughter of Queen Elizabeth II.

Prince Charles is the next in line to the throne of Queen Elizabeth. -quote- "Prince Charles is presently heir to the British throne. He will not become king until his mother, Queen Elizabeth, abdicates (gives up the throne), retires or dies.

When either of these happen, Prince Charles may abdicate and pass the throne to his eldest son Prince William. The current Royal Line of Succession is: 1. HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales (1948), eldest son of HM Queen Elizabeth II 2.

HRH Prince William of Wales (1982), elder son of HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales 3. HRH Prince Henry of Wales (1984), younger son of HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales 4. HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York (1960), second son of HM Queen Elizabeth II 5.

HRH Princess Beatrice of York (1988), elder daughter of HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York" -end of quote.

Next in line would be Queen Elizabeth II's eldest son, Charles, Prince of Wales. While next in line after him would be his eldest son Prince William of Wales.

I believe that Prince Charles is out so it would be Prince William.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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