Who is the best goalkeeper in world football at present?

Iker Casillas, the World Cup-winning Spanish goalkeeper! He plays for Real Madrid! He's the Best!

I don't think anyone could be better. He is just awesome!

It has to be Gianluigi Buffon. He has been so consistently outstanding that every other 'keeper is measured by him, and is having yet another fantastic season.

Pepe Reina of Liverpool. That man's amazing. A quick reflex and a composes 'keeper.

Buffon is definitely it, Cech comes second and Casillas third-- and of course my favorite Julio Cesar, 4th -- Brazil team for the 2010 World Cup.

I would say the best keeper in the World for me is Gianluigi Buffon. For many years he has been absolutely fantastic, it’s rare for a keeper to establish himself as a first team player so young and to maintain his fantastic form for so many years is amazing. Iker Casillas would be a close second for me, again he has been at the top of his game for so long and it’s extremely impressive that he has been one of the constants of the Real Madrid team over the years when so many people have come and gone in the Galacticos era.

Iker and Raul are proof that youth systems can provide great results even when the teams play at such a high level. If Petr Cech hadn’t had the awful head injury, my list may be a little different. He is still good but before his injury you could have said he was unbeatable.

One to watch out for in the future Igor Akinfeev, he looks very promising and for me heralds a generation of eastern European players who will dominate the modern game. You just have to look at the impact Arshavin is having at Arsenal just now.

I reckon Buffon is probably the best but before his injury I would probably say Cech was second or even third!

A couple of years ago I would have said Cech, but now I think Pepe Reina of Liverpool.

BuffonCechReinaGivenCesarBorucThose mentioning Casillas havent been watching much Spanish football this season, or the recent Spanish friendly...

Iker Casillas, for me no doubts about :) He was amazing during the World Cup, especially when you think about all the pressure he was under with the whole girlfriend "scandal".

At present it has to be Julio Cesar, but I would still pick Buffon in a pressure situation.

I'd go for Iker Casillas, as he often has to sit behind a particularly ropey defence as well. I think Cech looked shaky even before his freak injury, just a little indecisive at times but a great shot stopper. Shay Given, if he happened to be Italian or Spanish, would probably be held in much higher regard than he is - I think he is definitely top 5.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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