Recently I must say my favorite is Ellen Page. Ever since watching her in Juno, I know I'd adore anything she plays in. I can tell in her acting that she must be an extremely fun, cheeky person!
Something that I found to be a attractive quality in a person. I did love the movie she was in Juno.. It was very entertaining and funny. However, as I watched some of her other movies, I seen she was able to also pull off some serious roles as well.
Other movies I've seen her in: Whip It - I just finally got to see this one. I loved it! Made me want to instantly become a roller derby girl.
Something one of my friends from high school actually does! Hard Candy - This had to be one of the craziest movies I ever seen. The part where she is going to cut his parts off, I just couldn't stand it.
Great movie, difficult to watch. An American Crime - I was shocked that this movie was based on a true story, and actually wasn't that far fetched. Her acting is superior of this very difficult and serious role.
I can't what to see what comes next! Another honorable mention is Amy Adams. She is also one of my new favorites!
Especially since seeing Junebug! Awesome. I really can't think of a guy at the moment that I just think is an excellent actor overall.
Maybe Matt Damon, but that's probably because of the Bourne Series.
Angelina Jolie! She's so hot and gorgeous, what ever movie genre she's in, she stun the viewers.
My best actress is Meryl Streep. She has worked in television , theatre, and film and is regarded widely as one of the most respected and talented movie actors of this era. Meryl Streep has been nominated 16 times for the Academy Awards, of which she had won two.
She has also received 25 nominations for the Golden Globe and has won seven of the awards. She is the only actor/actress that has been nominated in such number of times. Other awards she has won includes , an Australian Film Institute Award, two Emmy Awards, a Cannes Film Festival award, a Tony Award nomination , two Screen Actors Guild Awards, five Grammy Award nominations, four New York Film Critics Circle Awards, a BAFTA award, amongst others.
Some of the movies she has starred in include: Julie & Julia (2009) Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) It's Complicated (2009) Dirty Tricks (2008) Doubt (2008) Dark Matter (2008) Mamma Mia! (2008) First Man (2007) Evening (2007) Lions for Lambs (2007) Prairie Home Companion, a (2006) Devil Wears Prada, the (2006) Ant Bully, the (2006) Prime (2005) Lemony Snicker’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)
Yeah there are so many actors and actress now been bloom all over the Hollywood. But in case when we look for the most favorites only the big names you have mentioned was been heading to the top. For me it was none other than Julia Roberts who will be the top in the list and her performance in Eat pray love movie was ever too exclusive and we all did enjoyed it so much.
If you some one still not consider about seen it. Got to be hurry.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.