The first men to orbit the moon were Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders. In Apollo 8 spacecraft.
When developing follow up title Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, he cited in an interview several flaws he felt should have been rectified in Circle of the Moon's design, primarily its control scheme and the dark appearance of the graphics on the Game Boy Advance. He additionally criticized the DSS card system, stating that it "did not match with the world Castlevania had established over a long period of time", though admitted he felt it was a good system. 29 In 2002, Circle of the Moon was removed from the series timeline,30 a move met with some resistance from fans.
31 Igarashi noted the reason for the removal as not due to his non-involvement with the games, but instead the intention of the game's development team for Circle of the Moon to be a stand-alone title. 32 Some reviewers have argued that his criticism of the game was unwarranted and his recent installments did not match up to Circle of the Moon.
The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong, on July 20th of 1969. Edwin Eugene Aldrin and Michael Collins were also on board Apollo 11. " It's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
Neil Armstrong.
The first man on the Moon was of course the American Neil Armstrong More details here:
Virgil "Gus" Grissom – Pilot of Liberty Bell 7 and commander of the first manned Gemini 3, was selected in 1966 to command the first manned mission, Apollo 1, a low Earth orbit test of the Apollo Command/Service Module. This mission ended in tragedy almost a month before its scheduled launch,1 when a cabin fire on the launch pad killed Grissom and his entire crew on January 27, 1967. According to Slayton, Grissom would have been his choice to be the first to walk on the Moon.
Schirra, Jr. – Pilot of Sigma 7 and commander of Gemini 6A, was selected to command a second CSM test flight which was canceled in late 1966, at which time he was reassigned as Grissom's backup. Twenty-one months after the Apollo 1 fire, he commanded the first CSM test flight, Apollo 7. Shepard, Jr. – America's first man in space on Freedom 7 was originally selected to command Gemini 3, but was medically grounded for the duration of Gemini due to Ménière's disease and assisted Slayton in Flight Operations.
After corrective surgery, Shepard was restored to flight status and commanded Apollo 14, the third successful Moon landing mission. White - A second-seat veteran of Gemini 4 who made the United States' first walk in space, was selected as Senior Pilot (second seat) on Apollo 1. White was killed with Grissom in the fire.
McDivitt – The commander of Gemini 4 was selected in late 1966 to command the first Earth orbital flight test of the Apollo Lunar Module with the CSM. This mission flew in March 1969 as Apollo 9. After his flight, McDivitt was promoted to Manager of Lunar Landing Operations, and in August 1969 was promoted to Manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program.
Frank Borman – The commander of Gemini 7, was selected to command a higher Earth orbit test of the complete Apollo spacecraft. But when delays prevented the LM from being ready in time for its first flight in December 1968, Borman's mission was changed to the first lunar orbital flight of the CSM on Apollo 8. Lovell, Jr. – The second-seat veteran of Gemini 7, and commander of Gemini 12, flew as Command Module Pilot (second seat) on Apollo 8.
Lovell became the first to fly a second Apollo mission as commander of Apollo 13, the third lunar landing attempt. This mission was unsuccessful, due to a Service Module electrical system failure caused by the explosion of an oxygen tank. Lovell and his crew managed to return to Earth safely.
Stafford – A veteran of Gemini 6A and commander of Gemini 9A, commanded a lunar orbital test of the Lunar Module on Apollo 10. Young – A veteran of Gemini 3 and commander of Gemini 10, flew as Command Module Pilot on Apollo 10. Young later commanded the successful Apollo 16 lunar landing.
Armstrong – The commander of Gemini 8, commanded Apollo 11. Becoming the first man to set foot on the Moon. Charles "Pete" Conrad, Jr. – A veteran of Gemini 5 and commander of Gemini 11, commanded Apollo 12, the second lunar landing.
Five of this group had Gemini flight experience (second-seat). David Scott – Second seat on Gemini 8, flew as Command Module Pilot on Apollo 9, and commanded the Apollo 15 lunar landing. Eugene Andrew Cernan – Second seat on Gemini 9A, flew as Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 10, and commanded the final landing mission Apollo 17.
Michael Collins – Second seat on Gemini 10, flew as Command Module Pilot on Apollo 11. Buzz Aldrin – Second seat on Gemini 12, flew as Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 11, the first Moon landing. Gordon, Jr. – Second seat on Gemini 11 veteran, flew as Command Module Pilot on Apollo 12.
Gordon was selected to command the Apollo 18 lunar landing, which was later cancelled. The remaining six members of this group were selected for their first flights on Apollo. Chaffee - Selected as Pilot (third seat) on Apollo 1, Chaffee was killed with Grissom and White in the fire.
Eisele – flew second seat on Apollo 7.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.